NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

lol tf

but if it means the same thing why bother changing back to two buttons yk

true. must be some sort of glitch

Dude do you mean it was a windows/chrome denying access to the portal?

Yes windows and chrome. Use macOS but with safari only do not use chrome on mac, it will not work.

Edit: You can also try safari on windows. Maybe it’s the browser.

Looks like the web engineer at NYU did this kick out thingy only for chrome, they forgot to add the kick out thing for safari. I could be wrong. lol

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what time are decisions out wednesday? anyone know?

I found this for NYU Tandon:

https:// nyu-apply.smapply. io/

(remove space before ‘nyu’ and ‘io’ to access website)

When I logged in it told me “Sorry, there are no programs”

Can someone who applied to Tandon test it out and see if it shows up differently for them.

i was able to login, same with me it says no programs

same with me

think i found something
on the portal, click on the button at the top right corner that says log into NYU home.
then click on academics > Albert > Go > View application status.

let me know what u guys see

Any rejections?

Isn’t that just the applicant portal?

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There wasn’t enough people responding, so I didn’t see any. But the point is that people who logged on to the portal had various results, so you need to take this with a grain of salt.

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I don’t think it says the decision now

Thank you for checking!

At this point I think we should stop tinkering around with the sites and all and just wait for the decisions this Wednesday…



What do u guys mean about Albert? What does it show

It doesn’t show the decision

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does anyone know how many people nyu waitlists?