NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

i got waitlisted from ED2 (accepted by BU and rejected by UCONN???)with an IB anticipated grade 45/45
from that I can tell schools are offering positions for many under qualified students, not being jealous, but a lot of phenomenons tell that things are not going right
still congrats to all ppl that have been accepted

No there’s just more qualified students than space in each school


What do you mean under-qualified students? That seems like a bitter thing to say.


under qualified students?? :confused: let’s not do this…


The NYU student profile had the middle 50% at 1350 to 1530, so the median was probably around 1450. It does appear that most, maybe all, that submitted scores were over a 1450 so the median comes in at 1540, which is still a larger increase than I would have expected.

Anyone know what the stern acceptance rate for this year is? Haven’t seen anything about it online

I read 12.8 percent

Thats NYU in general, not Stern specifically

anyone know the waitlist numbers and how many people have gotten off it?


Just paid my deposit and the housing is not working - anyone have the same problem? Says my academic year housing application is “Currently unavailable” , I’m just trying to select my preferences :frowning:

It takes 24 - 48 hours for the housing portal to update after paying the deposit

Thanks a ton was panicking a little bit - it also has me listed as “waitlist undergraduate,” is this normal?

Yes. That should change once your portal is updated.

if you don’t mind sharing, what were your stats/ecs? just wondering what it takes to qualify for the program

it shouldn’t be “academic housing” though? in my portal, there’s a new box that says “fall 2021”

i never had “academic year” in my housing portal so i assume it’s something else

@Nburnzy you don’t have this?

@theloniusmonk The profile you refer to is for the actual entering class. The 1500 for admitted students, which would be comparable to the 1540 quoted here, was taken directly off the press release last year NYU Admits Most Selective Class, Matches Record for Diversity

As seems the case with many schools in this kind of tier, the top academic admits often end up at T10-T20 colleges so the median of the entering class is below that of admitted.

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How long does it usually take for your NYU email to activate? I just submitted my deposit, so I’m not sure if it just takes awhile to process.

Never mind, it literally says it on the website :upside_down_face: