NYU Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

My son did

My son got accepted to Stern. I only know gpa in %-96, SAT 1530. Great main and supplemental essays! 10APs, so far on 4AP got 5 and 2AP - 4.

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Has anyone else been waitlisted from CAS?

Son admitted to Tisch (film/television)!!!


My daughter got accepted - Tisch Drama


Accepted into steinhardt
3.9 unweighted 6 Al’s
4.0 college gpa dual enrollment (16 classes)

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It’s the university ID, which is different from the NetID. Starts with N, hence N number.

Hi! My son got waitlisted for 2026 batch of NYU CAS 
 what are the chances of getting off the waitlist 
 and is there anything we can do to improve his chances 


I’ve been waitlisted as well, since NYU strictly asks not to send in additional letters or recommendations apart from whats requested in the waitlist form, I believe the only thing we cab do is fill it out the best we can and hope for the best

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Hi - D22 applied RD to NYU , they sent a message asking to self report grades though they received school sent transcript. Is that a normal part of the process?

Yes, everyone has to fill out a self grade report. It’s tedious but you have to do it

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My D22 is applying ED2 to Gallatin. Do you mind sharing your stats? Also, do you know the percentage of Gallatin applicants that were accepted ED1?
Much thanks!

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Do you know what time acceptances came out for the ED1 cycle this year? I applied ED2 and I’m wondering.

Around 5 pm EST.


Hi, my D22 ED at Gallatin and got waitlisted. She was devastated and is trying to be hopeful about getting off the waitlist. On the other hand, she just got accepted to the University of Michigan. As a side note, my D19 is currently at NYU and both of my girls had similar stats. Anyways, I’m puzzled by the admission decisions.

@acmoms, my DC applied for Gallatin (RD, so we are still waiting on a decision) and it is discussed so rarely on this site; what type of subject matter is your D interested in studying? Do you mind sharing her stats? Congrats on the Michigan acceptance and good luck with the wait for NYU!

Do NYU ED2 ever come out earlier than the date ? Or is it on Feb 15th at 5 pm EST then ?

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I’ll give you stats for both:
The one at Gallatin had 34 ACT. Very competitive high school, extremely rigorous course load (As and Bs ). Weighted GPA 4.6

The waitlisted has a 33 ACT, same competitive high school, rigorous course load but not extreme, mainly As. Weighted GPA 4.8. She’s hoping to get off the waitlist but relief she has a good option with Michigan in case she doesn’t.

I just want to give all my fellow accepted students a message from the best poet of the century:

“Welcome to New York, it’s been waitin’ for you
Welcome to New York, welcome to New York
Welcome to New York, it’s been waitin’ for you
Welcome to New York, welcome to New York
It’s a new soundtrack, I could dance to this beat, beat forevermore
The lights are so bright, but they never blind me, me
Welcome to New York, it’s been waitin’ for you”


My daughter was in the same situation last year. She got accepted EA by Michigan and waitlisted by NYU. She was later accepted off of the waitlist but chose to attend Michigan. As far as we were concerned, when she got the Michigan letter she was done.

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