NYU Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

no one knows but hope that is a good sign !

The buttons is on this page, if you are using computer, you can see two blue buttons on the right side of the page, showing NYU Personal Information Update Request and NYU Application Information Update Request

I wish it isđŸ€”but maybe it is like another general thing, since there’s a possibility that they are just updating the system and doesn’t really relates to admitted or not

thanks :slight_smile:

If I see the two buttons is it an indication of something?

:thinking:For now, I tend to agree that it doesn’t have actual meaning. nyu’s system is quite buggy and this year probably they are still having different glitches
let’s just wait for 4PM today, there’s nothing we can do but to wait

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Hmm ok, I really appreciate your reply. Good luck to everyone!!!


Does anyone else Bobcat Library works?

Wdym? Did you go to NYU libraries then click “my library account” then click “NYU” as the affiliation? After that did you get authorization? For me it says i’m not authorized to access BobCat oop. Does it work for anyone else?

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It let me log in for like 10 minutes then it changed back to “we’re sorry, but you are not authorized to access BobCat” it’s probably a bug or glitch.

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I was two buttons and summer housing till a few minutes ago. Just lost my checklist and both buttons, but housing still says summer. Had everyone with summer housing lost their buttons and checklist?

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My buttons dissapeared now

yep same here

same here!

by the way
how many lines do u see

but only one of the buttons disappeared

Yeah same here


Which button is left and what does housing say?