NYU ED I Class of 2025

i’ve also taken 7 AP’S + like 4 AICE/ A-Level classes

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mine uses A=4.0, B=3.0… btw my school is a top magnet/public school in the country (around the top 100)

omg i’m in jsa too haha

no way!?

Yeah, I’ve used a GPA calculator and get 3.78 UW so I’m going with that. Your EC’s are really great! SAT is kinda low, but I don’t think that is super important this year (I submitted test optional, had a 1390.) What school did you apply to?

i applied to CAS for politics

I’m CAS for International Relations, Politics as second choice! This was my “Chance me”

Applied Early Decision to CAS for International Relations

Demographic: White, income over $400k

School has a weird GPA system but recalculated in at a 3.8uw 4.17W with all honors/ap classes (93% avg)- my weakest point

-History and International club president

-Debate team president, speaker, cross examiner

-Academic Bowl team captian

-Charity Club committee chair (raised over $30k)

-International Student Liasion (Translate, give tours, solve misunderstandings)

-2 Summer Semesters abroad (Korea/China)

-1000 hours of service (homeless shelter, food bank, senior center)

-Piloted a program to help the homeless during the pandemic


  • Have an Alumni Rec letter (former adjunct professor)

we’re in about the same income bracket… your extra curriculars are great!!!

Thanks! I hope we both get in!

i’m hoping my essays help me cuz now im sorta regretting sending in my sat

y’all have so much better stats than me ahahah rip

gl to both of y’all!

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me too!

I was going to and decided against it last minute- I’m counting on my essays as well- I think the SAT will be relatively neutral for you, I’d guess most submitted test optional.

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Thanks! Wishing the best for you as well!

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ty!! im just praying my test scores and essays/ecs/lors are enough…

On which day are the results going to be announced?

dec 15th!

I posted here about a month ago but I would really appreciate it if someone could chance me for ED I CAS Art History!

I didn’t submit scores since it was a very average act 27 (I’m not a great test taker…). My GPA is a 3.7 UW before senior year. My grades have dropped this year due to mental health things but I’m working on at the very least passing so I hope that isn’t a very big issue.

I took the APUSH and APLang exams jr yr and got a 5 and a 4 respectively. I’m currently taking APLit, APES, AP2D and APGOV but I will only be taking the AP2D portfolio “exam” coz I really can’t handle the stress of exams this year.

I work for the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston with their Teen Council and this year is an exhibition year. I’ve competed in multiple art contests and won two texas regional medals and a silver scholastic key. I have been with my school’s GSA for four years and I definitely should have gotten an officer position but I really didn’t have the mental energy this year ahaha. I also wrote for the school newspaper my jr yr but not this year coz covid kinda ruined everything. I have tutored and babysat my two younger siblings all my life but especially in the past four years so that takes up a lot of my time. I was never really able to do much more than what I showed in my extracurriculars list because of that.

I got LORs from my APUSH teacher and my Photography teacher, and both have a pretty good relationship with me so I think they’ll be good. My common app essay was strong and I sort of connected my why NYU essay to it too. I wrote about my transition from living in Brooklyn for most of my life to moving to suburban Houston and how it affected my life goals and passions.

I attend a very normal, lower middle-class suburban texas high school. our district is on the top 30 largest school districts in the country but my specific school is pretty average. I know NYU is need-blind but my family’s EFC is 0 so honestly I only applied to know if i’d get in coz I know very well I wouldn’t be able to afford it without a LOT of aid.

I checked the box for LSP and honestly I wouldn’t mind going into the liberal studies program. actually, given how average my stats are I think it would be best haha. I definitely should have reconsidered applying ED I but I also felt that it would help the counselors see how passionate I am about this school.

Thanks so much guys!

You have a decent chance as long as you explained in your common app why your grades went down this year. I hope you get in despite your hardships! And Im from Brooklyn too!!


Hey guys I was wondering if sending only one rec would harm me in any way. It seems like everybody sent 2 or more rec letters…