NYU ED I Class of 2025

same mine says no applications available but i still have the yellow/orange banner saying “attention nyc on-campus residents”
stats: 3.64 gpa/34 act

mine still says nyu washington dc

mine says no applications available with the same yellow/orange banner other ppl have that says “attention nyc on-campus residents…”

i had a 3.9 W (my school doesn’t do UW). i didnt submit test scores cause i applied to tisch so i had to audition. i have decent ECs, and pretty good essays/LORs.

i did a summer program in 2019 so you should disregard half of my posts cause they never deactivated my nyu acct from my summer program.


just wondering but for those who have the washington dc option, have you tried clicking “access application” on the side? i havent bc im scared haha but im curious to see if it means anything (also not sure if the nyc 2020-2021 screen has this bc i dont see the nyc thing on my end)

@guncleandpa what was your sat/act?

im too scared to lmao

I have a 1410 SAT and 3.8 UW

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what school within nyu did u apply to?

can someone please give me the link that shows you the nyc waitlist thing plzz?

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is it coming out today???

pretty sure it’s this one, mine still says DC Spring 2021 tho

oh same! guess we are still fine lmaoo. TYSM!

even though it’s scattered i still feel that comparing SAT isn’t necessarily the best option since it’s probably more holistic this year / looking more heavily at essays, ecs and lors.


At this point I am just gonna take it as a bug lmaoo


yall i think we should just chill. 4 more days dw bout any housing changes and just wait thats what i think but idk


I’m starting to get nervous and think I got rejected because there’s no application available and DC isn’t an option anymore

im the opposite lmao… worried bc there is dc available and not the ‘no application available’ like everyone else


dont stress to much about it:) someone said this on reddit (you mightve seen idk haha) “Apparently last year similar stuff happened and the results were mixed (i.e some who had an option like “no applications” got rejected while some got accepted). That’s why I’d say don’t bank too much on this”


dude I have the same thing but in another groupchat where there is like 400 people, 50 reported no application change, so don’t worry man


Hi I’m late to this but can anyone chance me?? I have applied to CAS with a psych major

3.82 uw GPA, but we don’t weight them

We don’t rank but my GPA and ACT score (32 super scored) is above the average for my class

3 AP classes, but my school only has around 5 classes offered: AP chem junior year and AP bio and Calc AB this year. I’m also taking 2 sciences this year.

My school is college prep so all my classes are harder than most other schools and it’s also the most prestigious private school in my area

white, female, and Jewish (idk if that will mean anything)

Only took 3 years of a language tho

I did a program with NYU over the summer, have visited them in person when they did in-person tours, and did an online info session. Also, I think my why NYU essay is good. Have shown a lot of demonstrated interest besides that too.

4 years varsity soccer
A job at a grocery store
Teacher’s assistant for 9th grade English Class
2 years JV basketball
Leader of a red cross club where we do fundraisers and volunteer
Involved in Jewish extracurriculars
and there are a few others but I forget