<p>I have a low GPA but with an upward trend because I stepped it up during my junior year. And TBH, CC is one of the things that got me to work harder last year. Do you guys think it's a good idea to write about CC for my NYU supplement #3 (what intrigues you? write about _____ and its significance to you)? IMO it might make an interesting and unusual topic but idk if that's a good idea. Thanks!</p>
<p>When I initially read the title, my first thought was “meh”. It was my second and third thought as well. </p>
<p>I don’t doubt that it was significant to you if you’re considering writing about it to apply to a school like NYU. What I would be concerned about is people looking at it like it’s superficial. Like I was considering writing about an ex who told me I would never go anywhere in life. But I had to be honest with myself. I don’t honestly believe whoever is reading my essay is interested in my high school boyfriend I dated for two months, and I wouldn’t want to alienate them, either. You just want it to come across as more universally relatable. </p>
<p>I was too inspired to step it up, but not because I joined an online forum. I joined my school’s mock trial team, met an incredible collegiate-level mock trial lawyer and he told me a story that I will remember for the rest of my life. </p>
<p>Good luck. :)</p>