NYU Explorations worth it?

<p>I'm going to be an entering freshman at NYU and I was wondering: Are the Explorations really worth switching to a dorm that may not be your top preference? I really want to stay at Hayden, but the 3N Theater Arts Company at Third Avenue seems really cool. Third Avenue, however, is not necessarily in top dorm choices. Is the Explorations Program worth it?</p>

<p>This is a difficult question. “Exploration” floors typically have the following: (a) an RA who is [supposedly] super into the theme and (b) more money for programming. Sometimes, they’re also paired with a faculty member. You will NOT live, eat, and breathe the theme; really, it just means that your RA has more money to do thematic programming (on top of regular social programs).</p>

<p>Some exploration floors turn out to be huge successes as far as creating community around a common theme; others, not so much. Really, it’s about how dedicated the RA is and how much residents are willing to commit.</p>

<p>If you feel like this residential experience will be one of the only ways you’ll be able to connect with the theater world/other individuals interested in theater at NYU, go for it. But the fact of the matter is…there are SO many ways to get involved with theater/the theater world at NYU. If I were you, I’d choose whatever dorm you think you’ll like more (3N is apartment style while Hayden isn’t: this is something to consider).</p>