NYU Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Well, astrology seems to mean something…? Summer only, zero button, CAS.

seems like a waitlist? Why else would they still let the pi update button be there

could also be an acceptance

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doesn’t seem like a rejection

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Having personal info might just mean that they haven’t updated decisions yet completely Im guessing? But it seems portal astrology is very off this year

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I believe for accepted, applicant portal wouldn’t be needed. I believe after acceptance, everything will work on Albert rather than there. I wonder why there still is a button.


lmao how abt summer only+button? wl i assume?

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I’m very scared right now…have a feeling that I will get rejected

so this would be summer + no button right

I have no idea alot of people who have academic+summer also have no buttons

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yah this also makes sense, but it seems that most summer+academic applicants still have their button, while most summer-only dont

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summer+no button rej, summer+1 button wl, summer+academic + 1butoon admit. This is what I guess

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so as of now we have no idea what means a good indicator or not…maybe even none of them are good indicators

rip. i literally have summer and no button.

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haha true

But it might not mean anything at the end of the day…having personal info button makes no sense since the application personal info thing won’t be needed anymore after decisions come out : (

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My theory is that since they reject you your journey ends here and there is no need to contact you anymore:(


But at the same time since Albert is up, wouldn’t they use that instead?Making the personal button thing unnecessary

i think last year people with summer + one button got in though

Yeah but this year it looks like the majority of people (including me) have summer + no button so I’m losing my hope at this point… :sob: