NYU Gallatin vs. Claremont Mckenna or Tufts...is the money worth it?

<p>Hi everyone I really need some help, I got into the Gallatin School at NYu and think I want to study International Relations and Communications/Journalism/ Art/ Business I have definite interests, but am not sure what I want to do in the future, maybe International Law at the UN, maybe something with Advertising or International Business, I am very motivated to do something (internationally) that helps people because I grew up with domestic abuse...Gallatin seems perfect for me because I have different interests and would be able to investigate them all with my curriculum and internships, everyone says I am "so New York [city]" and I even went to an interview for Brown and afterward the interviewer told me off the record that he really felt like I should go to school in NYC and not Providence and wanted to make sure I had applied to schools in NYC.
I was thrilled when I was accepted to Gallatin, I went to the reception and loved it, I felt like all the students that spoke were doing things I could see myself doing and I wanted to be in their shoes. the social life in NYC is also very appealing to me..
however I applied for financial aid and NYU met my 36,000 need in mostly loans, with only 8,500/yr in grants and 4,000/yr in work study. I was also accepted at Tufts and Claremont Mckenna College, and GW (as a pres' scholar but i didnt apply to the honors program cause I didnt think I wanted to go there) and all have offered me basically 28,000 in grants/yr and 2,000/yr in work study to attend their school...if I go to NYU i will have no money left for graduate school and would have to hope that I would get a stable job through an internship or something, if I attend one of the other schools I will graduate better off financially. I am also waitlisted at Duke, Columbia, Barnard and Uchicago..NYU is my dream but does the financial reality matter more? please help, any advice is welcome!!!!!!</p>

<p>well if whatever your major is at Gallatin will give you something parctical...such as IR, or a twist on a business major--just something that, when you go to do internships, the offices are going to be able to send you somehwere--then it might be worth doing.</p>

<p>if youre sure you wanna do grad school, then go wherever's easiest on your wallet.</p>

<p>as ive seen in some threads, the unwritten motto of Gallatin is "Keep pretending its a real school!" unless youre sure its going to help you land a career, and you really really wanna go,opt for something more traditional than gallatin. </p>

<p>That's just me</p>