NYU GSP (CAS) or UT Summer Freshman Class

<p>Should I start my college curriculum sooner than planned at UT Austin Liberal ARts this June 12 taking on less loans than NYU, or should I take on who knows how much $ of loans to go to NYU GSP (CAS)? I'm from Texas, but I would love to go afar especially to invest in my education. I don't know if I'd be stupid to reject NYU or smart to attend UT Summer instead. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>NYU - depending on your major. If you're planning to do economics or political science than I would definitley pick NYU, as they have very strong departments in those areas.</p>

<p>Are you asking adivce on whether you should go to UT for the summer and then NYU in the fall? If so, before even considering it, make sure that NYU would accept the credits.</p>

<p>Not exactly. If I want to continue UT in the fall, I have to start taking college courses at UT this summer as a part of the 2006-2007 Summer Freshman Class. The plus is that I'd be ahead of the incoming feshman in the fall. I'm asking whether I should attend UT Austin or NYU GSP for my undergraduate degree. Does anyone know what are good paying jobs after NYU CAS that would help immensely to repay student loans? Where do people go after an undergraduate at NYU?</p>

<p>What do you think is the better choice? Stay in state and go to UT starting this summer or go across the country for nyu gsp?</p>

<p>I'm probably picking NYU GSP over UT, since NYU has a better econ department.</p>