NYU or Carnegie Mellon???? PLEASE HELP!!!

<p>Hey, I'd really like some advice/insight on what university I should choose to go to. I'd realllllyyy appreciate it if somebody helped me! :) </p>

<p>I'm currently choosing between NYU and Carnegie Mellon...but I also got into Georgia Tech, USC, UC Davis, and I was waitlisted by Northwestern. I REALLLY like NYU (university and location-wise) but I do know that CMU probably has a better engineering program and so do the other schools I got into. I know that I would be most happy in NYU and it does have the best name/reputation between the other universities (right?). However, in terms of my major, it probably isn't a good choice. Could anybody please help me choose between all these universities (not only NYU and Carnegie but the others as well)? Also, I didn't get into UC Berkeley...would it be worth the time to appeal for reconsideration or should I not bother? Especially that I am an international student...But still, Berkeley would have the best education out of all the other schools. Thank you so much in advance!! :)</p>

<p>if you want engineering, you go to Carnegie or USC over NYU.</p>

<p>Thank you :) but does anybody else have any other suggestions??? I need a lot more opinions to convince myself because I'm in love with NYU although it probably won't be the right choice...</p>

<p>For engineering, Ga Tech is fantastic -- but it's also ridiculously hard. I personally love NYU over all of those, but I don't know about their engineering program.</p>

<p>Thanks, themagster. Have you or has anybody else visited the NYU, CMU, GA Tech or any of the other campuses? Which one feels more of a right choice. I know that it differs from person to person but I obviously cannot visit any of the campuses right now since I'm living in the Middle East. A lot of people have told me to go to NYU (name/reputation, great location, the fact that I have lived in NYC before and know my way around, etc) while a great deal of other people have told me to go to CMU or Georgia Tech. But, personally, I feel like NYU is more of my style but it just doesn't have as great of an engineering program as the others...is its engineering that bad? :s</p>

<p>The thing about NYU is that it doesn't have a campus. It's a bunch of buildings scattered here and there in lower Manhattan, most just south of Union Square. I work in the area. If you're coming from out of the country, the appeal would be living and learning right in Manhattan. But you would lose out on any "campus" atmosphere. There's very little sense of community about NYU. Most other colleges (including a few in Manhattan) have a real campus and you know who's a student and who isn't. </p>

<p>For example, my DD is not interested in NYU b/c of that lack of cohesiveness. On the other hand, many people want just that open, city-as-campus feeling.</p>

<p>Go to CMU. I dont even see how you can even consider going to NYU for engineering.</p>

<p>Besides, you can always double major or switch to one of the other marketable fields Carnegie Mellon offers (such as business, CS, etc.).</p>

<p>Thank you wackymother and AcceptedAlready! Any more suggestions???</p>

<p>I just wanted to know if NYU's engineering program is really THAT bad? I am still able to change my major I think within CAS in NYU but right now, I'm leaning towards an engineering major. Any insights from ppl who know anything about the quality of education in NYU in terms of engineering? How does it stand by itself without comparing it to CMU, Georgia Tech, and the other schools? Thanks!</p>

<p>You can change your major but the next best thing NYU CAS offers is probably Econ. Tepper at CMU (where Econ is held) is much more marketable and known. It is comparable to Stern and NYU CAS unfortunately is no Stern. </p>

<p>Georgia Tech lacks the social life AND the other fields that CMU offers. You basically HAVE to do engineering there and will probably not enjoy the social life (or the surrounding area).</p>

<p>CMU has that traditional campus and the social life is boosted by Upitt, Duquesne, and Pittsburgh itself (which is just a few minutes walk). It basically gives you the city and the college campus while allowing you the most prestigious companies such as Microsoft/Google for Engineering/CS as well as Ibanking/consulting from Tepper.
Double majors in CMU are common and I would say the % of double majors are beaten only by Rice U. A double major in Enginering/Business is very marketable and highly reputable (to say the least). </p>

<p>There is one caveat: CMU is not very good in English/History/Writing/Journalism/etc. so if you want to major in any of these then I would pick NYU. CMU focuses on the "marketable" majors/fields and does extremely well in them (Newsweek's hottest school for jobs). </p>

<p>Once again, I don't see how you can even consider NYU CAS for Engineering and even for business as it offers only Econ and this is heavily diluted in quality/prestige/salary/job opps when compared to Stern and Tepper.</p>

<p>Thank you so much!! You've really put it into perspective :)</p>