<p>Hi, Im looking at going to NYU. My sister's friend goes there now and says that there is an NYU reality show...is this true? I wouldn't apply just for that, but it sounds fun!</p>
<p>Yes!!! I googled it and found it! It’s called “Under the Arch”. Looks kind of cool. Maybe I’ll audition too It says it isnt launched yet, so I had to go to their youtube page.</p>
<p>[YouTube</a> - UndertheArchTV’s Channel](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/UndertheArchTV]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/UndertheArchTV)
[Under</a> the Arch](<a href=“http://www.underthearch.tv%5DUnder”>http://www.underthearch.tv)</p>
<p>love the shameless plug right here. each of them have one post, what a joke.</p>
<p>Your attempt at cleverly advertising something failed miserably LOL</p>