NYU Stern [$91k, business] vs [Texas] A&M Engineering Undeclared [$21k] [wants CS major]

@p0kes have you paid Housing deposit at UTD? If not, better check on that ASAP. That goes for all schools you’re interested in. Most students pay Housing deposit as soon as they can (it varies by school).
Pay close attention to deadlines for various programs at every school, also.



Go to UTD. Plus, the UTD dorms are pretty great…everybody gets a single room.

In the computing job market, UTD computer science grads do pretty well for themselves. You absolutely should go there vs $91k/yr at NYU or Texas A&M w/no housing and hoping that maybe if you get almost a 4.0 GPA that you’ll MAYBE get a computer science spot at A&M.

A bird in hand is not worth 2 in the bush.


oops sorry for the misinfo i didn’t apply to UH but i did get into brown honors, and i have already accepted it. I just submitted phase 1 of the housing app for a waitlist position, and i’ll check on the housing for UTD right now


thank you all for the really really helpful responses!


@p0kes gotcha. Unfortunately, Eng Honors or not, you’ll be WAY down on Housing Wait List (it started a month ago). Unless you can beg Eng Honors to miraculously find you a bed in Eng Honors dorm. I would contact them tomorrow and tell them you just paid Housing deposit and ask if they can guarantee you a bed in Eng Village.
If they can’t, hop on over to UTD.

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@p0kes I was afraid of this…priority deadline for ECOS was March 1.

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I read that to say that if you accepted EH you might be able to find a room mate that filed out the housing application by March 1.

UTD and A&M are such different environments you shouldn’t pick one without visiting and thinking you will be happy there for four years.

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@parentkeith problem is, being on the Housing Wait List at A&M doesn’t allow a student to do anything-can’t ‘match’ with a roommate, can’t go thru dorm selection.
Because @p0kes is NM, and TAMU loves NM scholars, I’d work that angle with ECOS. That’s your only hope of squeaking in to a bed. ResLife won’t help, communicate with Brown Honors staff directly.

Agree, UTD and A&M are both great schools, but VERY different culture, atmosphere & size.
Hard to even compare the two.


Heck no to NYU - especially if you want CS.

And if A&M is too big, look at the Tulsa offer for NMSF - free - if they’re still taking. Smaller, not in city but closer.

But NYU is a fine school - but you’re talking $250K difference - and not even getting to study what you want.


tysm! I just emailed engineeringhonors@tamu.edu. I did complete the EH application on 2/15, so I think I am still qualified for ECOS, but I’m not sure. i’ll just wait to see what EH says about the situation.


i have visited UTD before and did a summer research program there, but i’m not sure if i love the campus vibe. i will definitely bring up the idea of visiting a&m with my parents though and see how it goes.

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Consider choosing TAMU as your university. Even if you don’t end up living on campus, there are plenty of off-campus housing options within walking distance. Additionally, as a National Merit Finalist, you should have the ability to maintain a GPA of 3.75 or higher.

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4/10 is the deadline for NMSF at TU so p0kes still has time


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