NYU Tisch Cap 21 Summer Program

<p>I am very interested in the summer program at Tisch over the summer for high school students. However, I cannot find ANY information about the program on their website and was wondering if someone had better luck finding such information. It would be greatly appreciated!!</p>

<p>Here you go!</p>

<p>Summer</a> High School: Tisch School of the Arts at NYU</p>

<p>There is also a Cap21 summer intensive. While you don’t get Tisch/NYU college credit as with the Tisch program posted by AlwaysAMom it is a great program - my daughter attended summer before junior year and learned incredible stuff and made fabulous connections. Be aware that it is a much less supervised program than Tisch also. The kids have to be vary mature, if you are from out of town you have to find your own place to live and basically function independently in NYC fror the 6 weeks. We live in metro NY so my D commuted every day but loved every minute of it. Also, it is less expensicve than the Tisch program. So, there are pros and cons to both. It really depens on the person and what you are looking to accomplish. Good luck!</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.cap21.org%5B/url%5D”>www.cap21.org</a></p>

<p>I’m curious about the audition process for this program. We’re outside the area and I understand can videotape, I’ve yet to find out exactly WHAT to videotape, but I’m sure I’ll learn that.</p>

<p>My question is the talen that would be required. I’m worried my D might not make it and I think that would cause her to lose an awful lot of confidence toward making her Tisch audition/review next year. </p>

<p>Can anyone speak to the level of experience/talent that is “admitted” to the Cap 21 summer program?</p>

<p>My D has a TON of musical knowledge, several instruments starting at age 7 or so, A/P theory, etc. No worries there. But she’s just started in show choir and drama in high school last year. She qualified right off for the top girls show choir, and has learned SO much through that, as well as other summer programs. And she’s in drama now, and was in the school musical. She goes to a high school with an incredible performing arts program overall…but she’s not the kid who has been acting for 10 years already. Plus…she has NO dance (until last year where she’s learning dance/movement in her show choir). And she’s improved DRAMATICALLY in all these. And they’re a TOP rated school in a state known for show choirs that does very difficult choreography. </p>

<p>I know this is crazy to try and judge by this, but I hate to have to go to NYC for an audition just for a summer program and not make it, and/or see her go through so much to put together a tape if she doesn’t stand a chance. </p>

<p>Anyone with insight?

<p>R124687 - It is very, very difficult for anyone to give you an objective answer, because we really don’t know how naturally talented your D might be in spite of having had limited training. I know kids who are exceptional singers or actors, who barely have had any significant training, but also kids with tons of training, who would not necessarily make it into a competitive program for a variety of reasons. </p>

<p>That said, I have to say that dance/movement in show choir, no matter how intricate the choreography, really does not substitute actual ballet or jazz technique. This does not necessarily mean that she “stands no chance” getting admitted into CAP21’s summer program as CAP offers leveled classes for dance (beginner through advanced). </p>

<p>I don’t know how far from NYC you live, but traveling there to audition, and having an opportunity to actually meet some of the peers that your D will likely “compete against”, when she enters the college audition cycle next fall, may actually be really beneficial in order to gain a better understanding what she will need to focus on. The CAP21 summer program will provide her with invaluable training in this regard (in dance, voice and drama), which will be useful no matter what and will help prepare your D for the college audition process.</p>

<p>Please also be aware that this is a thread on the NYU/Tisch/CAP21 summer program which has NO audition and R12467 is discussing the CAP21 stand alone summer program that has an audition. These are not the same program. </p>

<p>Also, your D could apply to NYU/Tisch/CAP21 summer program with no audition but it is very competitive to get into, but I thought I would mention it. </p>

<p>In my view, if your D is applying to summer programs that require admissions by audition, she needs to apply to more than one. So, it should not all revolve around CAP21. </p>

<p>Also, I am not sure I would agree that it isn’t worth it to travel to audition or to put together a DVD audition tape if she doesn’t get in. All these things involve risk and a good chance or rejection. The college process is going to be that way too and so one needs a balanced list to apply to and that will yield a result, and not rely on one program where nobody can say she will have a chance or get in. </p>

<p>We can’t really tell you if your D has a chance or not based on what you wrote. Sometimes kids with less experience audition very well with natural talent and sometimes kids with lots of experience don’t audition well. </p>

<p>That said, if your D has her sights on applying to BFA in MT Programs for college, she needs to take private voice lessons, drama classes, and ballet/jazz dance classes. It is great that she plays instruments, studies music theory and is in showchoir and other select choirs and her school musical! But what one learns in singing and in dance through those activities is not the same as voice lessons and dance technique classes. As well, she should do as much theater as she can in and out of school (whatever is available to her). Theater is so much different than show choir. MT programs don’t just want great singers but also actors/performers. So, focus on putting together these pieces to prepare for the future if she seeks this path. </p>

<p>Also, you can ask those in the field who know others who have gone onto BFA in MT programs, if your D is competitive. If you yourselves know kids who have gone onto college for MT, self assess in comparison. As well, any benchmarks your D attains will be some type of affirmation of how she can compete in a larger talent pool (ie., regional and state vocal or theater competitions/adjudications, casting outside the school setting, going to a summer program and how she fares in that wider talent pool, etc.). </p>

<p>If your D puts together an audition (either live or by tape), it would help to have some coaching on her songs and her monologues. Many do.</p>

<p>WHOA. What the heck was I reading, then? I could SWEAR Cap21 SUMMER PROGRAM had an audition!! And you said it’s “hard to get into”. How would one, without an audition? Resume only? I’ll go back and re-read their website, as I obviously didn’t look closely enough.

<p>There are TWO CAP21 summer pre-college programs. If you read many threads on the NYU/Tisch forum, BOTH programs are discussed here. But THIS thread you posted on is about the CAP21 program that is through NYU/Tisch (and that program has no audition). There is another pre-college MT Program through CAP21 that is NOT through NYU/Tisch and that one IS by audition. I believe YOU are discussing the program through CAP21 that has the audition which is not what this thread discusses. </p>

<p>Both programs are competitive. The one through NYU/Tisch, is harder to get into, I believe as they don’t take that many. It is like applying to college and academics, recommendations, essays, etc. all count but there is no audition. The program that is directly through CAP21 is primarily based on an audition. There are differences between the programs and all of this is discussed quite a bit on threads on this NYU/Tisch MT forum. For instance, CAP’s program is 6 weeks and NYU/Tisch/CAP’s program is four weeks. NYU’s program grants college credit and has a class that has homework and CAP21 just has the training classes. CAP21’s program doesn’t provide housing or supervision when not in the program and NYU/Tisch/CAP’s program does.</p>

<p>If you look at post #2 above in this thread, a link was provided to NYU/Tisch/CAP21’s summer program. </p>

<p>If you look at post #3 above in this thread, a link was provided to CAP21’s summer pre college program. </p>

<p>These are NOT the same programs. They have similarities but also differences. Their admissions are separate.</p>