<p>Well, I will try to answer though this really doesn’t have to do with CAP21 which is what this thread is about. </p>
<p>But you bring up a common (but positive) dilemma when applying to summer programs because there is not one big reply date for all programs like for colleges where you must enroll by May 1 and give in your intentions. With summer programs, you may hear from some before others and they may require non refundable deposits or commitments. I don’t know what Walnut Hill is requiring…just a deposit? is there any date by when that can be refunded? As I am not sure, let’s just assume for a moment that the deposit can’t be refunded if you back out and it is a substantial chunk of change. </p>
<p>My feeling is that your D applied because she was truly interested. If she knows she could be happy there, it may be worth making the commitment to attend even though she won’t hear from the other schools in time. She could give up this slot but not be assured that the others will come through. But she could give it up if she truly prefers other programs a lot more. I don’t know a thing about your D and her chances at these other programs. Some programs are very hard to get into (ie., MPulse, NYU/Tisch/CAP) and some not as much (ie., CMU). So, for instance, if CMU is on her list and she prefers it, it is not a huge gamble to give up Walnut Hill. There are many fabulous programs out there and you likely can’t go wrong. That’s the good news. </p>
<p>The programs simply differ. I have no clue your D’s selection criteria. Some programs are pre-college ones, some aren’t. Some are longer than others. Some focus on audition prep. Some focus on training. Some have a mix of training and production work. So, it isn’t a matter of which program is best but more of which one fits what your D wants. If she likes what Walnut Hill offers, it may be worth signing up as it is a sure thing. If she MUCH prefers another program, you’d have to take a gamble. </p>
<p>All that said, Walnut Hill is very well known and considered to be a wonderful program. I have known kids from our region who have attended mostly for the regular school year, not the summers. I do not think a pre-college program is better. I think Walnut Hill has a great deal to offer and may be just what your D will love. I find that at most of these programs, the kids come away loving it…an intensive immersion with others who share their passion and talent. I doubt you can go wrong. Walnut Hill may have a mix of high schoolers, whereas some pre-college programs are just for rising seniors. But that doesn’t mean there are not plenty of rising seniors attending. Ask and double check. My own child attended a multi-age theater camp for 8 summers and there were plenty of kids her age every year she attended and many were rising seniors or some had even graduated HS that year. I imagine Walnut Hill to be like that. If I were you, I would ask to get names of past summer students and have your D give them a ring to chat and you could chat with the parents of former summer students. </p>
<p>Again, I don’t know your D’s selection criteria, her talents, or where else she applied to advise you with any specificity here on the forum. But many of these programs are very high quality and if Walnut Hill matches what your D is seeking and she is thrilled to attend and it is a sure thing, I can’t see why not going with it. I have had students get into a summer program such as Northwestern Cherubs before hearing from all their summer programs and they had to decide and they went with the sure thing and already knew they would like that program and were willing to give up whatever else MIGHT have come along later. That’s the discussion your D needs to have. There is no one BEST program. With my own daughter, we did not even look into other programs at all. She chose at theater camp at age nine and loved it so much, she returned every summer (8 years through to entering college) and there was no contemplation of looking at alternatives or pre-college programs. She and we are very happy with the experiences she had. I imagine your D will come to love Walnut Hill if she chooses to attend.</p>