<p>I am new to this community but have been reading all kinds of threads on this site, and it's all been very helpful. I am an applicant to NYU's Tisch School of Arts, applying as film production. I am just wondering if you know some of the lowest GPA's & SAT's that were accepted to this school.</p>
<p>I also want to know if you have to get into the University before getting into Tisch. Will they basically cut you off if your stats don't meet a standard? Or will they look at everything you have to offer (GPA, SAT, ECs, portfolio) before cutting anyone?</p>
<p>I got accepted 1940 sat 4.0 W, 3.7 UW with internships in the film industry. I applied for photo, and got in for photo. Regardless, the Portfolio pieces are heavily weighed for Tisch. Also, unlike USC, the application goes straight to Tisch. Each school has its own minimums for SAT and GPA</p>
<p>I got accepted to Stern in the Business program with a 580 on Maths in the SAT, and a 1600 total… I just had really good ECs and unique background I guess! Everything is possible
Good luck.</p>
<p>i got accepted with around a 3.4 gpa and 1830 SAT. ED2</p>
My understanding is that the application does not go directly to the individual schools. The art/film/photo portfolio or audition goes directly to Tisch or Steinhardt, but the application itself has to pass an academic review by admissions. In a portfolio/ audition - based program, the portfolio/audition is 50% of the application. The other 50% is test grades, GPA, Ec’s, recommendations, etc (reviewed first by admissions). It is true that the academic criteria used for each school is different.</p>
<p>If a portfolio/audition is a “yes”, but the academic review is a “no” or a “maybe”, then there is some back and forth between the department and admissions. But here again, admissions gets the final say.</p>
<p>That was explained to me in detail when older D applied for Vocal Performance 4 years ago, and was confirmed when younger D (accepted ED1) applied to studio art.</p>
there’s no way that possible… I’ve never heard of anyone getting accepted to NYU with an SAT of below 1800, especially stern. You have to have Ivy League credentials to get into stern.</p>
<p>@Alexxmichele: Well apparently yes, it is possible
But my ECs are very very good and since I’m from France they probably did not mind my low SAT scores!</p>
<p>Thomas, that’s awesome. Would you be willing to share your awesome extracirriculars?</p>
You most certainly do not have to have “Ivy League credentials to get into stern.” I got into Stern with a 3.56 GPA (unweighted), an 1830 SAT, and minimal EC’s. Then again, math is my strong suit, my essays were fantastic, and from what my teachers told me (I didn’t read them as I trust my teachers enough), my recommendations were excellent.</p>