NYU vs. Mcgill


<p>I was accepted to both NYU and Mcgill and I'm having a lot of trouble trying to decide between them. I'm looking to study political science, and the various things that go with it.</p>

<p>I got into NYU's GLS program (global liberal studies) which is supposed to be this up and coming program, but I'm unsure if its exactly what i want. It sometimes sounds more like an extended high school curriculum.</p>

<p>Also i know that Mcgill was rated higher than NYU. So would that mean it would be better to go there since the reputation is more recognized. IS the reputation even really that more recognized? ...its always seemed to me that NYU would be higher.</p>

<p>Any thoughts would be much appreciated.</p>

<p>McGill is much cheaper.</p>

<p>If you want to stay in Canada, then go for Mcgill.
If … USA, NYU.</p>

<p>Montreal is fab and yes, you would spend a lot less money going to McGill. With what you save over four years, you can afford grad school in the U.S. city of your choice.</p>