NYU waitlisted 2027

sure. while the camaraderie aspect is great, i have seen some truly ridiculous discussions on this thread. hence the message.

Itā€™s very easy to say to just be ā€œhappyā€ with the school you committed to but it is almost impossible to actually do. When youā€™ve worked just as hard and gotten the same grades and did the same ecs as the Ivy acceptees and had leadership positions and did basically everything and more you were supposed to do just to end up waitlisted or rejected from literally every single school you actually wanted to go to, it sucks. Now I will attend a school that I could have easily gotten into if I had put in just half the amount of effort that I did. I feels like a slap in the face and weā€™re allowed to be upset about it. Im sure Iā€™m time Iā€™ll eventually like it but right now I will hold on to every shred of hope I can that I will get off this waitlist because in this whole application process, this waitlist was one of the only things showing me that all my work, my stress, my sleepless nights, pretty much just everything was worth it. So yeah excuse me for trying my very best to get off the waitlist.



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no i agree with this. im in the same boat as you. really. but one thing i have relaised is- the colleges have a lot of criteria. minority, this that, specific requirements. i am telling myself that i was one of those unlucky kids because otherwise, with my hardwork and profile, i would hv def gotten into a better college. and it hurts more when i see absolute morons get into ivys just because they have the money.


I think we all are just trying to be hopeful in the best way possibleā€¦ this is a very challenging process especially since there is not much to go off of. I understand your reluctance about trusting the checklist disappearing (it doesnā€™t mean much to me either) but you canā€™t blame us for having high hopes for a school we really like.

itā€™s still a huge accomplishment to even be waitlistā€” the acceptance rate this year was 8%ā€¦ we couldve been flat out rejected but werenā€™t. they saw something in us and we are using that to fuel some hope that we can get in

good luck to all of you in this journey though, we will all find success in some way! whether its with NYU or not


on that note id like to address the most recent doubt here. no the calling does not help. thats because whatever you speak, doesnt necessarily go on record on your file. it ends at the person you talked to- who has no command over your application. hence- wait, ask, and pray.


exactly! evry single student here is good enough for the college. why did you get waitlisted?- maybe because you didnt fit into a certain race, gender, ECs, nationality, pay grade- ANY criteria. dont lose hope in yourselves- getting waitlisted at NYU means you are a smartass and we are all so damn proud of you.


It really does hurt. And Iā€™m sorry you were one of the unlucky students who colleges missed out on. But at least we are in this together and I wish the best for everyone here


yes! all the best! id suggest- explore your colleges and start socialising at the one you enrolled at. look at the oppurtunites and get excited. simultaneously keep checking your nyu status with realistic hopes and expectations. in case you get in, amazing. in case you dont- you wont be left behind at your enrolled school.


So. Much. This. Itā€™s exactly what I told my daughter. Iā€™m ridiculously proud of her. Sheā€™s a top 10%er, but not top 1%, so when she told me she wanted to add NYU to her application list, I gently told her that she very, very likely would get rejected. So we were doing backflips over the waitlist! All of you should be ridiculously proud to have gotten this far, and you will all flourish wherever you end up!! Now back to that nasty check list that keeps staring at usā€¦ :rofl:

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and guys, we dont know whatā€™s gonna happen for the rest of the month anyway. its still really early since they just started last week. they are obviously going through people who are guaranteed little to no aid right now. in 3 weeks time, some of us may be accepted-- keep hope but be reasonable. dont freak out over every little thing but still remain positive. :blush:


see the reality is. maybe you are a well off kid with a normal life and amazing profile. but you cant get chosen over a minority kid who has great difficulties in life but has a bit more simpler profile than yours. they get the seat because ofc. the whole american education system is a game. its about how you market yourself and involves a lot of politics. so try to take this rejection stuff less personally.

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21 days to go for may to end. anything can happen.


the most annoying part of this whole thing is people who know NYU is not their top choice/donā€™t really want to go accepting their spot on the waitlist, and THEN rejecting an acceptanceā€¦ like what is the point lol

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oh like the stanford person yes


yes like its a waste of their time and everyone else on the waitlist :joy::joy::joy:

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:pleading_face::pleading_face: guys you just made my day. I was extremely sad and frustrated bc of this process and many people have gotten into CAS and I havenā€™t but you just cheered me up :face_holding_back_tears: we were waitlisted guys we are still awesome for making it up till here :purple_heart: thereā€™s still time :white_heart: good luck to everyone :purple_heart:


good luck to you!! donā€™t put too much pressure on yourself, enjoy your may, and let everything work according to plan :hugs:


I am full pay and I had the same financial aid holds but none on my to-do list. Hope this helps!

Do we think today is a day theyā€™ll send more out? Or is it like everyday they do small batches ugh I wish they clarified lol