O Chem professors Fall 2010

<p>I am current stuck between Perrin or O'Connor for Chem140A and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with them. Thanks! =)</p>

<p>I had Perrin for CHEM140A last year. </p>

<p>I personally thought he was one of the most helpful professors I’ve had. On the problem assignments for hw, he notes how to approach every problem. On webct he even answers every question that students ask. </p>

<p>His midterms are short and not bad since he lets you have a cheat sheet. Honestly, if you try in this class, you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>O’Connor’s a good professor, but when I took his class there were only two grades - a midterm and a final. So most of the quarter was pretty chill with the exception of two weeks.</p>