OA starts tonight!

<p>DS is so excited to get the OA week started. His team bought 10 cart loads of food today! Someone at the grocery store asked him if he was an extreme couponer! Good thing DH is in Tuscaloosa doing some work on our house there and had a van!! The leaders realized after they bought the food that they couldn’t get it in their cars. The leaders have some GREAT things planned for some of your children. They are going to have a wonderful week of service and camaraderie. Sad that he is a senior and this is his last year with the OA program…</p>

<p>My son was there. He said he had a really good night and they re meeting at 7:00 a.m. to make breakfast and pack lunches.</p>

<p>Since I do not have a son and we are new I am curious as to what is OA?</p>

<p>Any Facebook pages set up for parents to see this years photos?</p>

<p>@gotjenks – OA = Outdoor Action is a week long orientation program for incoming Honors and New College freshmen. This year’s environmental focus is on freshwater issues. Field work at area water resources will be led by several faculties. The $195 fee covers housing, meals, transport, and materials. [UH</a> 104 | Honors College](<a href=“http://honors.ua.edu/academics/honors-courses/uh-non-core/uh-104/]UH”>http://honors.ua.edu/academics/honors-courses/uh-non-core/uh-104/)</p>

<p>That sounds amazing!! I know my daughter cannot wait to apply for HC next semester. (She never thought about looking into it or even think she was going here.) thanks for letting me know.</p>

<p>My daughter said today the group was divided into work groups to cut up brush, clear overgrowth, bird nests from birdhouses, wasp nest, etc. at a location about an hour away. The other half had their canoe outing. All will rotate tomorrow. Also divided into dinner groups after a chance to shower up – she went barbeque. So far a great time!</p>

<p>Mom2twins, sounds like our kids are in the same group. Our DS had a great time yesterday, looking forward to the canoe outing today!</p>

<p>S is psyched about this experience – hope the weather is good this week.</p>

<p>My son must be in that group, too! Hope the canoeing went well today.</p>

<p>I heard several boats flipped over today, maneuvering around a lot of trees down in the river. Some searching for mussels, netting of fish. It sounds like another day of fun all around.</p>

<p>S said he had fun today, he was meeting lots of people, and they were having pizza tonight.</p>

<p>DS’s group did the canoe trip on day 1. Hope some of your children are in his group because he says he has a GREAT group! They helped the Army Corps of Engineers yesterday. DS said they were ABSOLUTELY amazed at how much the students helped them with the project. They want to be sure they are on the OA list for many years to come. ROLL TIDE!!</p>

<p>My son is in the group that was on river first day. He texted me today that his group visited a Native American burial mound today. He is loving the experience.</p>

<p>DS is also a leader in the group who did the canoe trip on day 1 and said the new students are Awesome. Hopefully they won’t have rain today and tomorrow so they can get lots of work done. He is enjoying the experience even more this year as a leader than he did last year as a participant!</p>

<p>Daughter reports that her group did post-tornado cleanup at a damaged campground today, clearing brush and feeding huge piles of debris into a wood chipper. Lots of hard work to balance all the fun.</p>

<p>Any photos? I checked Honors Facebook public site, but no pics.</p>

<p>DS says there will be pics and videos! He’s had an awesome week with the new freshman and the other leaders! Can’t wait to hear some stories!</p>

<p>I’ve been seeing lots of AA pictures and interviews. Please link for the OA pictures if you see any. :)</p>