Obsessive Parents: What are the reasons parents obsess over the college admissions process?

This has been a fun thread to read. My 3 kids had either graduated from college or were on their way when I found this site. My parents did not go to college and I technically am still a freshman and was not (still not) all that knowledgeable about the process.

They all applied only to instate public schools and I just figured that was pretty normal.
My college related research revolved around cheaper textbooks, helping school schedules fit around the rest of life and looking for what might be the most useful general ed classes.

The 2 girls (the oldest) went to the same school and thrived and son had intended to go there as well. Then when he got a letter from another instate and saw the scholarship offer he just said “guess I’m a (school mascot)” and just like that the decision was made.

The girls have since gotten masters and son is considering. So I poke around here to get ideas and for enjoyment as well.

They are all doing well employment wise, and more importantly they are great spouses and parents.

Thanks for all here who contribute so much.

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