***October 2016 ACT Thread***

Registered - New York

Registered-New York

I think the order would be same as that of September test.

What time do scores get released?

Tested - GA

Tested from NC

@Elsaliz the scores would start post after midnight Center

Registered, Florida.

Registered, Germantown, TN (Memphis)


Tested, Brazil

We see majority of test takers tested here! I think it’s just not the day for me

Tested, Florida

@lhw1998 when did it turn tested?

Tested -. Massachusetts. Just changed from Registered within the last hour.

@Ktgisgreat Some time between 10 am and 11:50

Is it possible that these are alphabetical?

First name J. Last name G. Tested in texas

Registered - Michigan

Any international tested?