***October 2016 ACT Thread***

@Jpgranier wow, English -5 was a 35?? and Math -14 a 32??? It sounds impossible!

So my daughter took the ACT the first time in 10th grade and got a 30C. She went abroad and took it again. She got a 31C. The thing that REALLY pulled her down. She got a 19. She went down a lot. She went up in Science, got a 35 in Reading, 35 in English but that math killed her. I guess having a year off of math really did it.

@“Elina M” I know right… I was soooo surprised.

I had a terrible test day as well. I missed 3 on the math section last test haha

To all y’all future test takers: get a good night sleep before the test! I got really anxious and only got 3 hours of sleep. That really affects how fast you can process problems

Just for the record this curve was crazy!! Especially the math

E 33 -8
M32 -11
R32 -5
S30 -6

@ zxcvbnm1216 good job. but how did jpgrainger get a 32 with 14 wrong? Is he mistaken?

@euve69 I guess 32 must have been for students who got between 11-14 questions wrong, but the range could be even broader.

@“Elina M”

Well, lets see what happens. My son got a 28 on the math on the sept 2016 exam. He is hoping to get a 30 on this test, but it was harder than the sept test. Who knows, maybe he can achieve that. It will be interesting to see how many you can get wrong and get a 30. His composite score on the sept exam was 32 so maybe we can superscore to a 33.

@euve69 I am not “mistaken.” I posted my curve correctly.

If @Jpgranier and @zxcvbnm1216 curves are correct, this curve was the most forgiving ever, in english and math while reading and science were relatively forgiving.


so given the forgiving curve.How many wrong can you get to attain a 30 on the math section . if 14 wrong was a 32, is it so crazy to believe that 20 wrong would still give you a 30?

Woah woah wait I got -12 and a 30.
I took form 76A as well. I am not sure what everyone else is saying either someone is wrong or they messed up my score…?

When looking at the report you take the number you missed out of 35 from the “Preparing for Higher Math” section and take the number missed out of 25 from the “Integrating essential skills” section if I’m not mistaken?

i know it seemed like a bit much but these guys got their scores so they must be reading it correctly. Time will tell

Hmm maybe categories overlap.

Mine reads

Preparing for higher math: 29/35
Integrating Essential Skills: 21/25
Modeling: 20/24

I guess if you just count the first two I missed 10

Yeah that’s probably correct because if counted modeling it wouldn’t add up to 60 questions. 10 questions wrong seems to make more sense.

How are you guys getting these categories? I have my score back and can’t see those subcategories.

@NDreams, my guess is you are still waiting for your essay result to be posted, then you will be able to see the full report.

Did you guys get writing scores back yet?

Still saying “registered”. So frustrating! Anyone have a status change to “tested” that is still waiting on scores?

@Barrie08 I’m still registered also.

@NDreams and @TheTennisNinja . S received the writing score this morning but the report with all the subcategories people are reporting here is still not available to download.