***October 2016 ACT Thread***

I got a 36 composite and a 6 (out of 12) on the essay… should I retake???

I’m not sure how I got a 10 on the essay… I wrote about Black and Yellow by Wiz Khalifa…

here’s my curve

Composite: 34
English: 33 -8
Math: 35 -5
Reading: 36 -1
Science: 30 -6
Writing: 9

I have my writing score but still can’t see those categories. I’m shocked at that english curve. Especially considering it was one of my weaker subjects.

Edit: I just figured out how to view them. You have to download the student report pdf in case anyone else is wondering.

Hopefully scores come out tonight for those who are waiting just like me!

ugh! still registered this morning, this is crap.

Spoke too soon, HAHAHAHAHAHA! :’(


ACT is undecided about my score like I was undecided about the election.

30 Composite
30 English
28 Math
31 Reading
29 Science
8 Writing

Is an 8/12 on the writing section a good score? I’m applying to top-tier schools such as UCLA and UC Berkeley

@SRKISTHEGOAT look at the percentile of your score in your school report.

That will tell you how it compares to other students around the country.

I got an 8 and it was at the 82%. That is decent in my eyes.

Most schools aren’t considering the essay currently because the test has been changed twice in the past 2 years. The ACT writing holds little to no value. If you are okay with your 30, there’s no point in retaking.

I don’t have my score report yet. It doesn’t list it

I just received my writing score this morning, I believe.

@SRKISTHEGOAT it is in the 82%. It took about 5 days for my score report to show after my writing came in for the October test.

Ohhh okay that makes sense. Thanks @Jpgranier

My curve: Composite 34
English 35: -5
Math 32: -9
Reading 34: -3
Science 34: -3

Hey guys, can anyone tell me what the ACT report that is sent to colleges looks like? Is it the full PDF report we can see? Or just the dashboard page of scores by section? Just want to understand the detail level they see…thanks!

if you go on the ACT website, they have a format.

@LizorBeth Thanks, found it :slight_smile:

Did today’s batch of scores release yet?