***October 2016 ACT Thread***

2 and a half days until scores!

Unless your are unlucky and have to wait even longer.

won’t it be 1 1/2 day for some as some scores come up after 1:00 am. If you are lucky.

Does anyone show"tested" yet? Still “registered” here.

@slk1022 I’m still registered. I’ve been checking every day haha

Honestly, I can’t wait to see how poorly I did on this test. After that last SAT, I don’t think I’ll ever take the ACT again. When the ACT is pulling crap like changing the math section out of nowhere because they feel like it, they don’t deserve my $50 to take their test. If there’s no way to prep for it, there’s no way they’re getting my money.

Who knows?? Maybe the reading section will be in French next time!!

When I took ACT for the first time in September, I scored 31C with 35E, 34M, 32S and 24R (ikr).
My reading score has very brutally attacked my composite score.
But, this time I was well prepared and confident. As a result, I believe the test went pretty darn good. BTW I took the test from India where the test turned out to be different as it does and luckily it was relatively easy. I’m very anxious and nervous about the score.

At this time tomorrow (Monday) your registration page should say “Tested”. If not, you will likely be waiting for the next wave.

Had a dream about ACT scores last night…my nervousness is starting to kick in

Under 30 hours until the first wave of scores.

My status was changed to Tested the minute before I got the score in September. When did your status change?

Less than 24 hours hopefully.

Few students know their scores already. They checked their respective college portals. Came to know that Math score is really, really fat and forgiving. Relax everyone!
Source:the other site, Reddit

@ktgisgreat Wait, what??? How do you check your scores early??

@Ktgisgreat and what’s the math curve?

@Ktgisgreat Interesting that colleges get the scores first. I didn’t know that. My son felt he did not do well, so we didn’t send to ANY colleges. He’ll just have to wait for his scores.

Hey guys, when your status changes to “tested” can you let me know/post on here??

D’s school shows that they received her scores, but she can’t click on it in the portal to see what they are. The waiting is tough!

@lhw1998 yes, few colleges like gatech, Indiana, Oklahoma…disclose the scores they receive immediately on student’s application page while few wait till the student actually get them…