Odd Electives?

<p>Does it not look good on your transcript for grad school to have unusual electives from music or art department? Non-mainstream electives? Would they look not as challenging?</p>

<p>It looks diverse</p>

<p>electives are there for a reason…</p>

<p>it would look greater if you actually put them to use though…</p>

<p>i.e. taking courses focused on cyber-web issues b/c you’re interested in cyber law or something like that</p>

<p>but a course here and there out of 120credits will not impact you that much</p>

<p>It shows what kind of person you are, what interests you have. They don’t have electives just to have them. They have them so you may persue your interests, or to try something new.</p>

<p>Will grad schools tke out music art electives in calcultaing your GPA?</p>

<p>Grad schools typically ask for your cumulative GPA, and GPA in classes relevant to their program (e.g., a physics PhD program may ask for math and physics GPAs, med schools may ask for your science GPA). Taking electives shouldn’t hurt you, particularly if you have a solid grounding in the grad program’s area anyway.</p>

<p>I believe law schools look at ALL grades, as LSAC will recalculate grades based on their formula and will provide the overall GPA on lsac transcript.</p>

<p>will taking art and music courses appear odd? i certainly hope not. It may make you appear to be a more interesting person and one who is interested in the value of a well rounded education.</p>