odds in RD lottery?

<p>White male from Vermont (geographic diversity?)</p>

<p>2300 SAT (740V, 780M, 780W)
34 ACT (34,34,34,34,) writing = 33(with 10 essay)
SAT2 Math1 = 730
SAT2 Lit = 580 (retake!!!! probably somewhere in low 700's)</p>

<p>Less than stellar GPA ~ 89/100 (about a 3.5 UW), but MAJOR upward trend
Hardest classes of anyone ever at my HS (GC noted this)</p>

<p>5 on only AP offered (enviro)</p>

<p>classes this year:
AP English
AP Microeconomics
AP Macroeconomics
AP Physics
AP Stats
AP Latin
French V
Greek </p>

<p>Ranked 6/53</p>

<p>captain of two varsity sports (hockey & tennis)
sadd president
yearbook editor in chief
head of leadership
...lots of other stuff too</p>

<p>worked 16 hours a week all through high school</p>

<p>essays: unique (about something only I have done)
recs: damn good</p>


<p>Considering that there is only one first-year student from Vermont this year and you have strong stats, you stand a good chance of being accepted. It'll also be a lot warmer there. ;) Good luck!</p>

<p>I agree that you have a solid chance of being accepted. Don't stress about SAT IIs because I'm pretty sure that they don't play a big role in admissions (mine were 670 and 640). Your SAT score is great and that definitely does matter to Pomona. Geographic diversity and gender will give you a slight edge. Your GPA and upward trend should be okay (won't work to your advantage but won't disqualify you either). Your EC's are great and it's good that you chose to write about something unique in your essays because I think that Pomona appreciates that. Also, have you had an interview (on campus or alumni)? because according to Pomona that also is very important in the admissions process. Anyways, Good luck and I think you stand a very good chance! Just curious, where else are you applying?</p>

<p>SOlid chance of being accepted. I definitely agree.</p>

<p>My S only sent his ACT so did not send SAT IIs at all.You will be fine using the 34</p>

<p>as of now, pomona has my sat (2300) and my ACT (34)</p>

<p>i was on tha ball, and sent out my SAT's before SAT2's came in unless they were not so great (clearly the case)</p>

<p>You will still be fine! Best of luck!</p>

<p>i was yearbook editor-in-chief too!</p>

<p>your schedule this year is pretty brutal, and your working experience is impressive. the 2300 SAT grade helps too. i would say you have a good chance.</p>