odds of getting into Emory or Georgia Tech.

<p>I was wondering what my odds of getting into either Emory or Georgia Tech are?</p>

<p>Personal Info:
16 male, born in Pakistan moved here at 2 years old.
1st in my family to go to college in US (my mom got a bachelors equivalent in Pakistan though)
Live ~20 miles to each school, lived in GA for 4 years (GA Tech especially cares for place of residence)
Low income family, will need financial aid</p>

My first 3 years of high school I went to a school in South Georia that offered no AP or Honors classes. They did have a few "advanced" classes, but did not count for much. Therefore, I hgad to take basic classes (I took all the "advanced I could but there were only a few"). I have a 4.0 unwieghed , with a 95% average. My class rank was about 10 of 300. The only problem is my my wieghed average is 4.0 (my school gave no bonus points for advanced classes)</p>

<p>My senior year I moved to a school near atlanta, and now I take 2 AP (lit + european hist.) 2 honors (trig. + physics) and 2 normal (human anatomy, drafting and designing). Unwieghed, I have all A's except for a B in AP lit (I try my very best, but I haven't been able to pull my grade abouve and 86. however no one has an A without bonus points, so its ok.) This school does add 10 bonus points for AP classes and 5 for Honors, so wieghed I have all A's.</p>

<p>My academic streghth is math (all 97+ unwieghed), and I have won 'highest average' in my respective math class each year)</p>

<p>My academic weakness is language arts (low A's 9th-11th grade, mid B unwieghed in AP english), </p>

No sport whatsoever......</p>

not much except for 11th grade. I did NHS(30 hours+), and youth leadership for the Mellenuim, but I was officer in either. I did some community service for Habitats for Humanity and Hands on Thomas County,</p>

<p>I now I have bad Extracurricular and sports, but my parents were busy working and could not drive me much...</p>

ACT - 30, took it once taking it again next week hope to get (31-32)
SAT - 1st time (640/680/600) 2nd Time (670/750/610), Taking it gain tommorow, going for (700/780/650)</p>

<p>So assumig a little above average essay and reccamendation, what do you think my odds are?</p>

<p>I don't believe GTech takes recommendations. I would put your chances as very good there. Be aware, it makes its own GPA determination -- it uses your grades from college prep courses (math, lab science, English, social studies, and foreign language) and does its own weighting for honors or AP courses and definitely considers the factor when a high school does not provide many honors or APs.</p>

<p>Also believe your chances are good at Emory.</p>

<p>Won't you be qualifying for the Hope scholarship which gets your tuition and fees (but not room & board) paid at GTech, and $3,000 if Emory.</p>

<p>Thank you for that, so you don't think my lack of EC and sports will stop me from being able to get accepted for emory?</p>

<p>I agree with Drusba, you're good at Tech especially if you get your scores up. With increased scores I think you have a good chance at Emory. </p>

<p>The Hope will pay for tuition, fees and some books at Tech. The allowance for Emory is actually $4,000. It's the $3,000 towards tuition that they state in the literature plus another $1,000 for an "equalization grant".</p>