<p>I was wondering what my odds of getting into either Emory or Georgia Tech are?</p>
<p>Personal Info:
16 male, born in Pakistan moved here at 2 years old.
1st in my family to go to college in US (my mom got a bachelors equivalent in Pakistan though)
Live ~20 miles to each school, lived in GA for 4 years (GA Tech especially cares for place of residence)
Low income family, will need financial aid</p>
My first 3 years of high school I went to a school in South Georia that offered no AP or Honors classes. They did have a few "advanced" classes, but did not count for much. Therefore, I hgad to take basic classes (I took all the "advanced I could but there were only a few"). I have a 4.0 unwieghed , with a 95% average. My class rank was about 10 of 300. The only problem is my my wieghed average is 4.0 (my school gave no bonus points for advanced classes)</p>
<p>My senior year I moved to a school near atlanta, and now I take 2 AP (lit + european hist.) 2 honors (trig. + physics) and 2 normal (human anatomy, drafting and designing). Unwieghed, I have all A's except for a B in AP lit (I try my very best, but I haven't been able to pull my grade abouve and 86. however no one has an A without bonus points, so its ok.) This school does add 10 bonus points for AP classes and 5 for Honors, so wieghed I have all A's.</p>
<p>My academic streghth is math (all 97+ unwieghed), and I have won 'highest average' in my respective math class each year)</p>
<p>My academic weakness is language arts (low A's 9th-11th grade, mid B unwieghed in AP english), </p>
No sport whatsoever......</p>
not much except for 11th grade. I did NHS(30 hours+), and youth leadership for the Mellenuim, but I was officer in either. I did some community service for Habitats for Humanity and Hands on Thomas County,</p>
<p>I now I have bad Extracurricular and sports, but my parents were busy working and could not drive me much...</p>
ACT - 30, took it once taking it again next week hope to get (31-32)
SAT - 1st time (640/680/600) 2nd Time (670/750/610), Taking it gain tommorow, going for (700/780/650)</p>
<p>So assumig a little above average essay and reccamendation, what do you think my odds are?</p>