Off campus/ length of leases?

<p>My freshman daughter has only been at school for 12 weeks and is already freaking out about where to live next year. Of course, walk to campus is ideal. Just curious, do most off-campus students sign a 12 month lease (is there such thing as a 9 month lease?)? She found a great house, but it isn’t cheap and the lease is for 12 months, and her plan is to come home summers and the landlord does not allow subleasing. Seems like I’m throwing money out the window during those summer months. What are other CC parent’s experiences? thx!</p>

<p>We have only found 12 month leases. I guess the landlords (understandably) cannot afford to have most/all of their apts empty during the summer with no money coming in. </p>

<p>There are some that allow subleases, and some kids wil rent to “summer school” kids who are normally in the dorms…however, no one can depend on that since there are more kids with empty summer rooms then there are kids needing summer rooms.</p>

<p>Oh wow, really? I keep reading that many students will have to live off campus after freshman year. How does the cost of a 12 month lease cost compare to living on campus? Might need to buy a condo :)</p>

<p>upstate13 - from “will he fit in being a northener?” to buying a condo in T-town 5 weeks! That’s the Bama spirit. :)</p>

<p>Upstate from what my son has found at East Edge, about the same for 12mo as the aug-may dorm costs. Added bonus of not closing during holiday, and if you stay in the same place, no summer storage. </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>Thanks, then that sounds like a better option all around. Hard to imagine him living off campus but I also couldn’t imagine him going to college 2 years ago either :)</p>

<p>And Class2012mom - Touch</p>