Off-Topic: Amazon Student

<p>I know this is off-topic but I figured maybe some of you might have some insight into this because many of you probably also have Amazon student. I am quite the Amazon Prime junkie and I was bummed to receive an email stating my Amazon Student benefits are going to expire later this month. Does anybody know if its possible to renew amazon student without creating a new account while using a new .edu address? Will it give me an option, or do I just either need to create a new account of buy a subscription for $39/yr.</p>

<p>I realize $39/yr for those sort of benefits is still a pretty good deal, but I am somewhat of a penny pincher and I love saving money when I can, especially being a broke student. If all else fails, it would still be a worth investment for me personally to pay the fee and reap the benefits for another year...Thoughts?</p>

<p>How did you get student prime while at a community college I though you need a .edu address but ccc doesn’t give those to students o.O</p>

<p>^^ my ccc’s website is ?</p>

<p>Unfortunately, you cannot renew it free after it expires. :frowning: But I decided to pay $39/yr for the Prime and I did not have to change my e-mail address. I just had to go to the Amazon Student link and buy the subscription.</p>

<p>@jb- Some CC’s do offer them, mine does. But my old one was actually from ColoState.</p>

<p>@pinkpig- Damn! I was thinking I had seen somewhere that somebody was able to cancel their amazon student and used a new email address.</p>

<p>I have a .edu from my cc. And my amazon prime expired last year ):</p>

<p>It’s very worth it. $39 a year is something like 3.25 a month. I would skip a (mediocre) Starbucks chai once a month for Prime any day.</p>

<p>i’m thinking about opening a new amazon account when my current amazon student expires…next time i will use my UC email :X
i wonder if they will allow me to use the same credit card though…because i currently have the amazon visa and really like the awards on it because i buy almost all my stuff on amazon</p>

<p>i have an .edu at my CC. although the webmail is so buggy i never use it. haha.</p>

<p>and i have no idea what an amazon prime is. but i can google it! guessing it allows for a hefty student discount of some kind for textbooks?</p>

<p>^Amazon Student Prime is amazing. Free 2 day shipping, no tax (on most items) and the items are priced lower than what you find in stores. Great for textbooks! I use amazon for everything. You should DEFINITELY take advantage of it if you haven’t already!</p>

<p>@ishabella- I dunno, you could always try. I don’t think they discriminate based on credit card used, just the email account. </p>

<p>@asphyxiac- I totally agree, I was just trying to find a way around paying the $39 fee, although it IS absolutely worth every penny. With the money you save on textbooks and everything else, why not?</p>

<p>^ Isn’t shipping only free if you buy $25+ of goods?</p>

<p>^Not if you have Prime and buy directly from an amazon market. Anything that is marked “prime” ships free, no $25 limit necessary.</p>