Off-Topic Discussion from "Colleges Crossed Off List or Moved Up After Visiting"

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked New Haven when my child attended college there. My previous experience had been the Yale New Haven Hospital area, which is a bit more gritty than the campus and adjacent areas where students live.

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IIRC, Dartmouth expanded along its North-South axis by quite a bit in the 2000s. Nothing says “big” quite like a long walk from one end of campus to the other.


New Haven still isn’t great but you can get to NYC and the immediate college area is attractive. I am good friends with an AO there but none of my kids would apply as too close to home.

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I’m old enough to remember when the State Street station was built so Yale students would no longer have to call a cab to travel the six blocks to and from Union Station.


Repeating myself, but I was pleasantly surprised, and spent a fair bit of time there these past four years as I live within an hour or less, depending on traffic. As a CT resident, I had not spent time there other than the hospital, the Peabody museum many years ago, and the athletic center for swim meets. It has been nice to learn the area.

The too close to home did not bother my student because I wasn’t going to show up unannounced.

It doesn’t have to be a big city to cost a lot to live there. Boulder is really expensive. Portland pretty pricy.


Lol if it is desirable to live in it is expensive. That’s how it is.


My son just started a job in the wealthiest county in the United States. He also has an apartment there as well. It is definitely not a big city. In fact, it has quite rural parts.

for some odd reason, many of the present-day wesleyan folks love middletown.
this was not the case in earlier geological periods.
so, even if middletown doesn’t float the boat of any given prospective student and/or their family during a visit, apparently it is not a negative to the current user base.
one of the current students we spoke to during the pre-commitment activities was from literally like 10 or 20 minutes away by car and had chosen wes over one of the lesser little three schools despite not wanting to go to college so close to home because the wesleyan called to them and their interests in science and creativity in ways they didn’t recognize until their own pre-commitment days.
but whatever, if you get into schools like wes you’ll be fine wherever you go.


and middletown is the spiritual and cultural center of the universe.
i checked.
on the map and stuff.


was not.

On maps, it looks like a half mile distance between State Street and Union stations. Was that a big enough deal to call a cab for, especially since so many students likely had enough physical fitness to have had athletic ECs in high school?

Looks like about 1.4 miles from the west end (Ledyard Lot) to the southeast end (Softball Park) on the maps, which seems to be longest cross campus distance.

I am going to read a lot more stuff today - on these boards, at work, on my commute home - and none of it will be as good as this.

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great, thanks.

Bless your heart.

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It had less to do with distance than the fact that walking from Union Station to the gates of the Old Campus entailed going through some extremely dicey neighborhoods. Today, due in no small part to aggressive urban renewal, people wonder what the need was for that “extra stop in New Haven”. But, that was it. They might as well have named it, “The Yale Stop”.

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Although, I’m sure Delaware OH has its charms too.

Was surprised to see that Loudon County (VA) is the wealthiest county in the U.S.

I suspected it might be Westchester County NY (not in top 15) or Santa Clara (CA) County where Palo Alto is (#3).


You and me both, but it is a nice area, and seems to have a lot of tech jobs. The western part is also horse country, which probably helps push the median household salary up.


My son just had his wedding in Loudoun County a couple of months ago. Lots of big estates and horse farms. I knew it was an expensive area but didn’t realize it was THAT expensive!

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