Offer of Admission Acceptance Process

<p>Hello fellow Penn Staters!</p>

<p>I have recently made the life-changing decision to attend Penn State. Everything was looking rosy as I made my way through the acceptance process. Unfortunately, I encountered a hitch of sorts near the very end. After entering all the necessary information for the Emergency Contact section, I proceeded to click on the all-important "Save & Finish" button. It is at this point that life decided to rear its ugly head, as instead of being greeted with the standard "Congratulations for being awesome!" message, I was told that my session had expired.</p>

<p>These are my questions:</p>

<p>1) Am I officially a Penn State student? I have paid my acceptance fees, but did not finish the acceptance process. If it makes any difference, MyPennState indicates that I am indeed, a Penn Stater.</p>

<p>2) What actions should I take next?</p>

<p>3) What does the Promised Land look like? I mean of course what would I have seen if my session did not expire. This is mainly my OCD asking, but it's been bugging me all day.</p>

<p>4) We are..?</p>


<p>I would suggest calling or emailing admissions.</p>

<p>My daughter received a confirmation email from PSU with her housing and food contract information following her completion of the acceptance process. Did you receive an email? If not, I would contact admissions.</p>

<p>C’mon people. In response to #4…</p>

<p>Penn State!!!</p>

<p>And, call admissions. You’ve made it this far, you don’t want to get hung up on some computer glitch.</p>