Offered spot at UCSC, didn't apply, OOS?

Hey! I’m wondering if this happened to any other out of staters and if anyone can offer me some insight on this- I assume it’s the ELC thing but I thought that was just in state, they must have expanded I guess. I was rejected at Berkeley and UCLA and offered admission to UCSC a few days ago and can email a person to find out more if I’m interested. Seems pretty cool, I’m excited to be considered! Just curious about it haha

Probably has to do with the political flak about most of the OOS students applying to UCB and UCLA and not the other UCs (of course, this means that most admitted and enrolled OOS students end up at UCB and UCLA), so they may be trying to get the OOS students to distribute themselves to the campuses that they rarely apply to and enroll at like UCSC.

There’s another thread here in CC in just the last couple days about this same thing to another few students. In that thread someone linked an article about how this happened IN ERROR a few weeks ago to a bunch of students. Look for that thread. I’m afraid it’s another error.

I also got the email, but I’m and international student. Does anyone know if other UC campuses like UCSB and UCSD will do the same and offer admissions even when we didn’t apply?

To be honest, this is the first year I have heard of UCSC offering spots to OOS and International students whom did not apply. I have been an active poster for 5 years and I have only seen UCR and UCM offer spots to top in-state applicants that were not accepted to other campuses. If I were a waitlisted applicant at this point, I would be extremely upset since the waitlisted applicants should get priority on any available spots and the school should not be soliciting applicants whom did not even apply. My 2 cents…

Yeah, @Gumbymom, I’m with you. While these folks likely have much higher stats than my son, if they’re gonna offer spots to folks, can we - people who applied, and were rejected - get in line? And, oh man, if my kid was on the waitlist, and a spot was given to someone who was not interested in applying - and likely thought they were above UCSC - I’d be pissed!

(And I don’t mean anything against people who did not apply to UCSC; I get that people apply to schools they want to go to, and where they feel they will be most challenged.)

I wonder how many of these they give out?

my son was waitlisted at UCSC, his top choice school, and we appealed, so I would be quite upset if a spot that potentially could be his goes to someone who didn’t even apply!!

I’ve sent an email to them. They said “this is offered to you because you are an international student” so it is not related to ELC.

International and OOS students are a net gain in $$$ for public state Us–instate students are at best neutral or a cost to state Us, so students from the instate pool aren’t interchangeable with OOS or international students.

Educating in-state students is the primary mission of California public colleges (via the Master Plan for Higher Education). Sorry to see that continual budget cuts and a lack of focus on the mission have led to corresponding cuts in the opportunities for California to educate its future workforce.

Reading through this, it does seem unfair especially to those waitlisted, I’m most likely going to my in state school (much cheaper I doubt I would get any comparable money at UC especially if they are doing this to get that oos $) not sure if I am emailing the person yet.

I’m also an interntional student and I got a similar email from Uc riverside , not sure about other UC campuses