Post here with any question about the Honors college or GPPA. Also post about your acceptance decisions and experience with the process in general.

So I recently got accepted into the honors college but now that I’m facing the GPPA process I have a few questions

For GPPA med, what do they look at when they review an application? GPA, extracurriculars, essays, mid year report (I’m worried about this one, not sure if mine’s too strong :confused: )? Anything else that’s important?

Also, has anyone gotten an interview? When do they usually begin, and when are decisions about GPPA released?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Looks like first batch of GPPA interview invitations have gone out.

Anyone got interview for UIC GPPA program?

@woranxpar My daughter is scheduled for tomorrow’s GPPA PharmD interview. It looks like Chicago is snowing and hopefully, we won’t have any problem on the road.

@Truepassion No issues with the road do not even worry about snow. It is going to be a Wonderful day and good luck to her.

@stdmedsch Thank you!

@Truepassion how did it go for your daughter? What does she think? Will the results be out 1st April like for medical?

@stdmedsch Thank you for asking! My daughter did well yesterday. A big day for her. Left home at 7 AM and came back after midnight. She enjoyed the conversation with her Pharmacy interviewer, and thought the essays were easy as well. Yes, the result will come out in April and hopefully is a good one for her :slight_smile:

@Truepassion Happy for her. Keep me informed.

Got an e-mail yesterday saying I didn’t make it into GPPA Dentistry:(

I got into UIC GPPA without an interview. Is this common?

Nedcone, Are you confusing with another program? GPPA has 2 levels of interview. An honors level and GPPA level. You will never be able to get into UIC GPPA program without these interviews.

@psatbob I think he applied for GPPA - Biomedical engineering which does not require an interview.

@stdmedsch That would make much more sense, thank you!

Has anyone received a scholarship notification yet?

Also, how many people were admitted this year?

@laladollie They always give 50 offers. I think they interviewed 106 for medical. Not sure how many will join but they have till 1st May to decide !!

Hello my name is Hamsini Kala and I am a senior who has recently applied to the UIC Honors College. I really want to get in and I applied with a 3.47 weighted GPA and 27 ACT score and I am just wondering what my odds are of getting into the Honors College. Is it really competitive? What are the benefits of going there? Could somebody shed some light on the student stats please? I am a really nervous applicant :)]