Official Admissions statistics for the Prospective Class of 2013

<p>This is for students that were accepted:</p>

Middle 50%: 3.71-4.15
Average: 3.94</p>

Middle 50%: 1160-1330
Average: 1250</p>

<p>Just for anyone who's curious.</p>

<p>FYI looking over stats, it seems that on average, the actual entering class's SAT average will drop around 10-15 points and the GPA medians about .1 FWIW. Either way, most competitive class ever. Congrats on those who got in!</p>

<p>I have a 3.06 GPA and a 1430 SAT yet I was accepted to engineering....</p>

<p>pierre, we're SAT twins!</p>

<p>Pierre: How the hell did that happen? Where do you live? Consider yourself very lucky (unless 1430 was math + reading only, lol). :p</p>

<p>the only reason why the average gpa is 3.94 is that the NOVA kids are FINALLY getting +1.0 for their AP/IB classes. If it wasn't for that, the average GPA will still be around 3.6-3.7 (which actually is still high lol)</p>

<p>Thats not true. These are admissions statistics for the class of 09. The new +1.0 credit for AP/GPA scale for FCPS don't start until the 2009-2010 year.</p>

<p>^ No, the 1.0 extra AP credits were already added by mid-year reports. They will add the scale change and maybe change up the honors to 0.5 for 2009-2010.</p>

<p>Well that's a shame. I sure wish they did this when I was still in high school. A +.5 for honors classes? You have got to be kidding me.</p>

<p>Bensky, I go to a top 100 high school (according to US News and Newsweek) so I think schools recognize that my school is a lot harder than a normal high school. And 1430 is for Math + CR only haha</p>

<p>We let in a HECK of a lot less NOVA kids this year, enough so that type of change wouldn't affect the score too much.</p>

<p>"We let in a HECK of a lot less NOVA kids this year"</p>

<p>Really? Do you have stats?</p>

<p>I sure do. Although you might have to wait a bit. They haven't been uploaded to the website yet so I'm going to have to go to the admissions office, ask for the statistics and scan them for you.</p>

<p>For NOVA another thing is that the grade scale is going down to a 90 for an A from 94, which helps a lot! Prior to the change they were on a 7 pt scale, so by the time you hit 85 you were at a C. For PW they compute gpas not by the %, but the letter grade, so a C was a 2!</p>

<p>This was a huge deal for FCPS and the foundation of why they fought for it was that many students were having a harder time getting in than OOS. PWCPS will be now following suit with the gpa change for the class of 14 and beyond.</p>

<p>Why are NOVA students being penalized for their academic achievements relative to the rest of the state?</p>

<p>Because they form such an overwhelming majority of the students on campus. We are supposed to educate the entire state, not just one region. I'm not saying it was ridiculously lower but geography does play a minor role in the admissions process.</p>

<p>article in Roanoke Times states: </p>

<p>Virginia Tech Class of 2013
The demographics for Virginia Tech’s Class of 2013 are similar to last year’s freshman class, which are represented in parentheses. This year’s class is significantly smaller and has a higher percentage of in-state students and a higher average SAT score.
• Total students: 5,179 (5,460)*
• Students from waiting list: 308 (0)
• Average SAT: 1250 (1208)
• In-state: 70 percent (66)
• Out-of-state: 30 percent (34)
• Male: 55 percent (55)
• Female: 45 percent (45)
• White: 77 percent (78)
• Asian: 10 percent (9)
• Hispanic: 5 percent (4)
• Black: 4 percent (4)
Percentages rounded, American Indian and Hawaiian each less than 1 percent. Unknown/other is 2 percent.</p>

<p>3.7 Non weighted GPA
27 ACT Composite</p>

<p>a LOT of community service and two mission trips</p>

<p>What do you think! VATech Engineering</p>

<p>What’s your weighted GPA? Your ACT is a tad short of average but won’t necessarily keep you out.</p>