<p>By now, many of us on CC know which AP classes we are taking. I was bored and decided to make a thread. This should be a center where we can come for help and guidance. Post how you are taking the course (school or self study), info on supplies, helpful notes and practice test/reviews, and how you are pacing yourself to prepare for the exam. I have done some research, and unfortunately there aren't many review books for this course, so we will have to do the work on our own, and we can help each other through this thread. In my research, I found 2 books that should be sufficient for most people to get a 5, if studied timely and throughly. First is a textbook, Introduction to Comparative Politics: Political Challenges and Changing Agendas, which is very popular for people taking this course. Although it may seem expensive, it is available used for very cheap on amazon found here Amazon.com:</a> Introduction to Comparative Politics: Political Challenges and Changing Agendas (9780618604470): Mark Kesselman, Joel Krieger, William A. Joseph, Ervand Abrahamian, Christopher S. Allen: Books . And then the other book is a review book, definitely the most known for this course, AP Comparative Government and Politics: An Essential Course Book and Study Guide. This is VERY high rated. Those will be what I purchase, and maybe some other people have some insight on those books. This is supposedly one of the easier AP exams to self study for, but not as easy as exams like Psych, Environ Sci, and Human Geo. Well, lets get posting, and hopefully this thread helps everyone achieve that 5 :)</p>
<p>Ughhhhh, I’m new here and I messed up the tags, and now I can’t delete this. I made another thread of the same title with fixed tags, so you can go post on that one. Sorry</p>