OFFICIAL AP US Government Free Response Answers

<p>Here is the website to the free response. Now lets all compile what we said for all the questions.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>...Page not found.</p>

<p>Okay, now here are the two links for the comparative free response and the US Government. Post your answers guys! Compile our minds!</p>

<li><p>I put that an illiberal democracy is a democracy with the same system of government in liberal democracies like elections and voting but without the liberties that Americans, for example, may have. (Not sure if correct at all)</p></li>
<li><p>What the heck was corporatism? (Missed that in self-study)</p></li>
<li><p>Legitimacy. easy one. what sources did you guys put?</p></li>
<li><p>What did you put for the mixed system of governmentfor russia in regards to Presidential and Parliamentary? I put something with elections and a more free media during Gorbachew although it failed horribly...and presently the russian prime minister which measn russia has a pariliament. (not too good on this one)</p></li>
<li><p>What did you guys put for causation and correlation?</p></li>

<p>--so far I thought the beginning was the hardest part of the free response!</p>

<p>wow those comparative govt FRQs seem interesting. Maybe I should've taken/learned that.</p>

<p>1) illiberal democracy - modern democracy w/ fewer freedoms
2) corporatist systems tend to favor interests of specific group and have less compromise
3) political legitimacy - peoples acceptance of govt..
a) charismatic - due to leader (Mussolini)
b) ideological - due to ideology (Soviet Union and communism)
4) Russian has both a president + prime minister. President can rule by decree..
5) Causation - dependence of one variable on anothe.
Correlation - relationship between variables.
6) (a) decentralization is done to reduce corruption + appease local minority groups
(b) create govt institutions in local districts (create new states)
(c) federal system gives more power to local regions than decentralized unitary.</p>

<p>7) (a) against - to protect local production
for - free trade benefits more ppl
(b) Labour party is split over issue - most likely to not pass in near future.
(c) For - influx of foreign money.
Anti - anti-Communist value..
(d) limited privization allowed by foreign firms (nike as an example)
8) (a) free elections + allowing political parties
(b) Council of Guardians + refusal to allow women to vote
(c) elections + reduction of power of junta
(d) power in Northern Muslims + no unity</p>

<p>do you think my answers are good enough to score at least 60%?</p>

<p>look here as well..
another forum..
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>


<p>I think you will get at least a 60%...probably a 4 pr 5 assuming great multiple choice scores.</p>

<p>Come on! Anyone else?</p>

<p>I said... for US Government</p>

<li><p>(a) interest groups: represent people with usually a narrow interest that really is a linkage institution for people through their lobbying.<br>
(b) political parties: represent people with a larger ideology and is also a linkage institution for citizens through their influence of government officials.
(c) i. provide potential votes especially for bigger interest groups (AARP...)
ii. interest groups can give candidates an agenda to run on
(d) for the voting of candidates.
i. having representation in government will let interest groups have their agenda out there, because they are basically the official's constituents now.<br>
ii. Forgot what I put. </p></li>
<li><p>(a) entitlement program: uncontrollable spending program that has money apportioned for it automatically.
(b) Social security tax? that's automatically taken from your paycheck
(c) Revenue from people "paying in" will be surpassed by the output (I put it in better words)
(d) "Graying of America": more people getting old, less people having children. There is only a 2:1 right now, when it originally started as something like 20:1.<br>
(e) More people paying in, and less people getting getting the social security money. The curves won't intersect for a longer time.</p></li>

<p>I'll get back with my answers to 3 and 4 later.</p>

<li>(a) interest groups: represent people with usually a narrow interest that really is a linkage institution for people through their lobbying.
(b) political parties: represent people with a larger ideology and is also a linkage institution for citizens through their influence of government officials.</li>

<p>^^^I don't understand your answers to part a and b for question one. You didn't really answer the question. A)The main goal of interest groups is to influence the setting of public policy. B)The main goal of political parties is to get people of their party elected to local, state, and national offices. That's it.</p>

<p>Yeah. And the narrow/ wide thing isn't always true. Political parties have been formed before in the past for ONE single purpose. E.g., Free Soil, Whigs.</p>

<p>Haha oops, for B, I forgot to put that about getting people elected (I did put it on the AP test). For A, yeah I went around the answer, hoping to hit the right thing. My teacher said as long as the right answer is in there, they'll give you the point, so my answer for that one was in all different places.</p>

<p>Well newyorker, it did ask about major political parties, not third parties.</p>

<p>I do think what I said is wrong, but the mighty wikipedia says: "Parties often espouse a certain ideology, but may also represent a coalition among disparate interests." I think it'll be up to the reader to judge if I get any points or not.</p>

<p>I said that political parties are formed of many interest groups :o</p>

<p>interest groups vote for party candidates so the party candidate can win, therefore representing the interests of the people that are part of the party (the interest groups)... a mutualistic relationship</p>

<p>Whether or not that's true is irrelevant. You still didn't answer the question. You gave more of a definition of political party than what it's main goal is.</p>

<p>5ky, the Whigs were not a third party. And they were formed for only one reason, they were opposed to Jackson.</p>