Official Biomedical Sciences Interviews/Acceptances 2009

<p>Lets get the party started. </p>

<p>School/program: Baylor COM, MCB
Notification: Dec 4 via email.
Interview: End of Jan.
File completion: Mid-nov.
Citizenship: International student</p>

<p>Wow. That was fast. When was their application deadline?</p>

<p>Also, I think it would be very good if people posting in this thread could also post their stats. GPA, GRE, Research experience etc. That would be very helpful in keeping the acceptances/rejections in perspective.</p>

<p>Got invitation to interview/recruitment weekend in at Weill Cornell for Pharmacology (PhD). Application deadline was Dec. 1, I was notified Dec. 4 via email.</p>

<p>Bump, mollie or other mods could you please sticky this thread?</p>

<p>Before you guys start scheduling interviews, I would look at the interview dates of your other schools. Some schools only have a single date. This can be more of a problem between the last weekend in January and the first weekend in March.</p>

<p>Good luck everyone.</p>

<p>Yay. </p>

<p>Today (December 9) I received a call from a PI in the Microbiology department at the University of North Carolina (BBSP) program. I have an interview (though I don’t know when it is scheduled for). My app was finished up on Thanksgiving morning. This is one of my two favorite programs and I have been hoping for this call for nearly nine months.</p>

uGPA 3.3 University of Wisconsin
gGPA 3.7 University of Colorado (only a few graduate courses)
general GRE V640 (90%) A780(91%) W4.5(58%)
subject biochem, molecular, cellular GRE 650 (89%)
7 years of research experience
2 publications (2 more in submission/preparation)
Abstracts, poster sessions, conferences etc</p>

<p>Congrats belevitt :slight_smile: and good luck for your interview!</p>

<p>belevitt, congrats! It must of felt extra good when you know its one of your top choices.</p>

<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>I’m new here and after spending the night reading through posts, I’m getting discouraged about my chances of getting into grad school. I really wish I found this website sooner since I applied to top programs in the biomedical sciences and seeing who got in the previous years and their scores/grades/experience would have helped me make better decisions about schools that I applied to. </p>

<p>I’ve got a mediocre GRE score (V540 Q770 W4.0) and average GPA 3.5 from UW. I have 2 1/2 yrs of research experience (no publications) and good LORs. After applying to 10 schools (8 of which are top rated Harvard, MIT, Rockefeller, etc and only 2 safety schools which may no be so safe after all!), should I consider applying to more schools (with January deadlines)? Are there schools that don’t have an application fee and due in January?</p>

<p>My top choices are Cornell Weill BCMB or Rockefeller and I’m thinking I’m out of the running.</p>


<p>Don’t despair. The group on this forum board is not typical of applicants for biomedical programs. I believe that we represent the contingent of the applicants that have the highest scores/most research experience. </p>

<p>Univ of Illinois Molecular dept has a deadline of jan 15
[Graduate</a> Studies | School of Molecular and Cellular Biology | University of Illinois](<a href=“]Graduate”></p>

<p>Univ of Indiana Molecular dept has a deadline of jan 5
[IU</a> Biology: Graduate Programs](<a href=“]IU”></p>

<p>Case Western jan 15
[Biomedical</a> Sciences Training Program At Case](<a href=“]Biomedical”></p>

<p>University of Maryland Jan 15
[On-line</a> Application Instructions](<a href=“]On-line”></p>

<p>I would bet there are others too.</p>


<p>Are you an international or american applicant? It makes a lot of difference. </p>

<p>Although your GRE verbal is slightly on the low side, your profile as a whole looks pretty good. I should think you have a decent shot at the No. 5 - 20 schools.</p>

<p>American. I hope you’re right!</p>

<p>Hi Phanta, I am in similar situation… >_< My GPA is 3.6 (Biochem major GPA: 3.58). GRE (V550, Q800, W4.5), 3 years of research experience, 1 first-author manuscript in preparation AND I am an INTERNATIONAL applicant! I applied to Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Yale, Columbia, UChicago, Cornell and UNC-CH. I think I have aimed way too high (want to try my luck, worst comes to worst, I will apply for a lab research technician job and work for 1 or 2 years before I reapply). Considering the fact that I am in the highly competitive international applicant pool and with NO external funding, I am very likely to get rejections from all… :frowning: <em>sigh</em> But I do think you stand a good chance, did you apply to any fellowship program like NSF? I am sad that I don’t know any funding that I am eligible for…</p>

<p>Husband has an interview at University of Alabama Birmingham on Jan 9th.</p>

<p>I have not heard about any interviews yet, but I did meet a little while back with the PI of a lab at Emory, my top choice for graduate school. The meeting went really well, and the PI told me he would put in a good word for me at admissions. A couple of weeks later he ccd me on an email that he sent to the people in charge of admissions to the biomedical sciences program telling them that I would make a great addition to the program. Surprisingly, I also had a professor of mine at my undergrad tell me that the PI sought him out at the neuroscience convention to tell him how happy he was to meet me and how excited he was about me coming to the program. </p>

<p>Point is, my hopes are pretty high, but I also know that anything can happen. Has anyone had an experience where they met with a PI they wanted to work with in graduate school, they said they would put in a good word, and then you did not get into the program? </p>

<p>I cannot decide if I am paranoid for being worried or overconfident in thinking that I am basically in…</p>

<p>Hi all,
I am very excited. Got an invite for interview from UW seattle neurobiology program. it is one of my top choices. My app was finished on Nov 1 due to the early deadline for internationals.</p>

uGPA 3.96 columbia + undergrad in medicine from home country
gGPA 3.32 Northwestern U graduate courses
general GRE V750 (99%) Q800(92%) W4.5(52%)</p>

<p>about 4 years of research experience
2 conference abstracts (not first author)</p>

<p>neurostudent, I think you have good reason to be confident. I would be pretty surprised if you didn’t get into the program with a professor that excited about your candidacy.</p>

<p>…more like neuroticstudent. Stop worrying. You will be just fine. This forum is getting too cluttered with non-interview/acceptance posts. Should be moved over to the applicants forum.</p>

<p>I heard from Uwashington yesterday, too for the 1/22-1/23 interview. (yay!)</p>

<p>Applied (neuroscience or neurobio): Stanford, Columbia, Northwestern, Penn, Berkeley, Harvard, Princeton, UWashington, UCLA, Yale</p>

<p>Interviews: Uwashington</p>

<p>My stats:
Ivy league senior, 4.0
1.5 years experience in neuroscience lab/thesis
Submitted paper, second author
2 abstracts/ poster presentation at SFN this year
a couple of semesters of non-neuro research
GRE: 600 M; 690 V; 5.5 writing; 760 Psych</p>

<p>I’m a bit nervous because I am a psych major trying to go into neuro without the background coursework, just with what I’ve picked up in the lab. My GRE math is pretty icky, too. I also haven’t contacted all of the PI’s I listed on my applications.</p>

<p>I did hear back positively by email from the guy at Uwashington I want to work with before I got the invite. I also received a phone call from a potential PI at Princeton to chat about research and he seemed positive, too. I’m wondering when Princeton will invite interviews. It is the first year they are offering the program, did anyone else apply?</p>

<p>Congrats to both of you going to the interview in Neuroscience at the University of Washington. I visited Seattle a few months ago and was pretty floored by the city. Don’t miss Ivers.</p>