@NICE8x It begins with “Congratulations! It is an honor to invite you to join Carnegie Mellon University’s Mellon College of Science for Fall 2016…”
They’ve provided me with my “new unique Admission ID which must be used when accessing some information on our website”
I’ve compared this letter with those of my admitted peers to ensure it is official and my letter matches up exactly with theirs. All in all, it is an official letter, with all the contents admitted students have received.
@neverbefore@cluelessgirl16 Thanks guys… I’m surprised that only 4 students (among nearly 3000 waitlisted) got off their waitlist…lol This is insane. I guess those 4 were priority waitlisted dudes.
@supbros111 I think everyone got the option lol. Guess it is not a privilege at all. Even if it is, we still got a very low chance of getting off the list (according to the statistics)…
Sorry I can’t edit my previous post, my question really is after I commit to a school May 1st why is it ethical to withdraw from that school for CMU (if I am pulled off of the Priority waitlist) but not ethical to go on the Priority waitlist and if CMU makes me an offer, evaluate it in that 72 hour window?
It seems this “binding waitlist” notion really breaks down when you consider you will be breaking your word to either CMU or the school you enroll in in May 1st
I guess my point is that all students should sign up for the Priority waitlist. Not trying to be cheeky but if someone could tell me where my logic falls down I would appreciate it
@abcdefghijklm I think our best plan of action is to wait until Monday to call the office of admissions (or email them now) and figure out what’s going on
I agree with betheresoon. How can CMU enforce this binding priority wait list? When a school wait lists a student and then that student has to pay a deposit for another school, what possible legal authority would CMU have to force a student to attend if he were offered a spot off the priority wait list? And why would a student have any moral obligation to drop his other school wait lists or firm offers for CMU, just because CMU changed its mind and decided to offer that student a spot? With thousands on these wait lists, CMU can just move on to the next person on the priority list if one declines.
Awesome FAT letter came today but wondering if anyone received their financial aid info with their FAT package? Is anyone able to access their FA info online? No FA info available either way over here…
@thereal6god@abcdefghijklm could it be that you have received acceptance for one school and at the same time a priority waitlisting offer for another school within CMU?