Official College Visit Review Thread

<p>It would be very helpful if people post their experiences in one place.
Since many of the juniors & their families will be visiting colleges this Spring,
please post here! Thanks.</p>

<p>mootmom: As soon as you can, we'd like to hear the result of your son's visit to Olin.</p>

<p>I agree with digmedia. I just found Olin, and it sounds interesting. (Have a son headed for Engineering/Computer Science in two years.) I would very much like to hear your impressions.</p>


<p>dig and peggy, I'm still trying to get the official de-briefing out of S on his visit to Olin (although of course I got a lot of dislocated small bits :) ), and will post more personal particulars here afterward (the college counselors at his school want to hear about it, too, so I'm going to join them to talk it over with him). In the meantime, if you're interested specifically in Olin, you may want to visit the discussion we've been having about Olin on this very Parents forum (which you've probably already found):</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Yep, I found the other Olin thread right after I posted this note! I do have a question for you regarding Olin, but I'll post it in the other discussion.</p>
