Hey all! Didn’t see any thread for specifically Wesleyan transfer hopefuls, so I thought I’d get the ball rolling.
I’m looking to transfer from Sarah Lawrence College. I’m also applying to Brown and William & Mary.
Here are some of my stats:
College GPA: 3.9 (projected, calculated by myself through a form given by the college. Grades aren’t a big thing here. It’s all about the written evaluations teachers give at the end of the semester)
HS GPA: 3.98
Chose to not submit standardized test scores.
AP: Comp Sci 5; English Lit 5; Euro History 4; Calc BC 5; Gov 4
High School ECs:
Editor of Literary Magazine
Organizer in French Club
Black Belt in Karate (also teaching classes)
Guitar Lessons
Soroptomist Award
College ECs:
Martial Arts Club (Self-Defense Leader)
Christian Union
Screenwriter’s Workshop
Yoga classes
Rock Climbing Club
Writing Prof / Adviser
Latin Prof
Reasons for Transferring:
The school I’m at currently doesn’t have majors and only 3 classes a semester, so my studies are in Writing, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon Lit currently (and a film class last semester). Would love to explore archaeology and medieval studies which SLC doesn’t have much of. Socially, SLC has a small campus and student body. Not quite enough diversity for my taste.
Best of luck to all applying!
@actvalour hi there! thanks for starting the thread. i’ll post my stats as well. we should hear in a few weeks!
i’m a freshman right now at georgetown, transferring to wesleyan hopefully as a sophomore.
- SAT I superscore (breakdown M/CR/W/Essay): 2170: 720M, 750CR, 710W, & 10 Essay - didn’t submit
- ACT superscore (breakdown):34 (34science, 30math, 34reading, 36english) - submitted
- SAT II (subject, score): 720 US History, 720 Math II - didn’t submit
- College GPA: 4.0
- High school Unweighted GPA (out of 100): 99.8
- High school Weighted GPA: 103.51
- Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 3 out of 669
- Other Tests (AMC, AP, IB): 5’s on Calc AB/US History/Macro/Calc BC/English Language, 4 on Euro/Government, 3 on Biology
- Major Awards (USAMO, Intel, etc.): Harvard Book Award, really good individual high school awards offering tuition money
- Common Awards (AP Scholar, honor roll, NM things, etc.): AP Scholar, Honor Roll, National Honor Society, Math Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society
Subjective: College
-Extracurriculars: Marketing committee for Relay for Life, weekly blogger for Her Campus, copy editor for the school’s oldest newspaper
-Volunteer experience: Past summer, worked as a hippotherapist with special needs kids
-Summer Plans: Selected for a competitive study abroad program in Italy
Subjective: High School
- Extracurriculars (name, grade levels, leadership, description): Varsity track (4 years), Show Choir (4 years - founding member and soloist), Gregorian Schola (secretary - 11, 12) , NHS (11, 12 - Technology director), Kolbe Society (12), Clare Society (11, 12), Leadership team (10, 11), Fall Play (10, 11, 12), Lector Ministry (11, 12)
- Job/Work Experience: worked at Hollister Co. over the summer
- Volunteer/Community Service: Volunteering at school with the Student Council, soup kitchens, tutoring
- Summer Experience: Girls State in NY
- Date Submitted App: first week of March
- U.S. State/Territory or Country: New York
- School: Georgetown
- Ethnicity: Asian, but not reported on app
- Gender: female
- Income Bracket Range (Very optional): can’t apply for FA
- Hooks (URM, first generation, recruited athlete, development): none whatsoever
Awesome, @gyuanyu! You seem like a great candidate. Can’t wait for results!
Hey y’all. I’m an applicant as well. Any idea when decisions will be up?
- SAT I superscore (breakdown M/CR/W/Essay): 2320: 800CR, 770M, 750W
- ACT superscore (breakdown): n/a
- College GPA: 3.8
- High school Unweighted GPA (out of 100): 3.7
- High school Weighted GPA: 4.2
- Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): HS didn’t rank
- Other Tests (AMC, AP, IB): European History (5), Calc AB/BC (5), Chemistry (5), Literature (5), French (5)
- Major Awards (USAMO, Intel, etc.): n/a
- Common Awards (AP Scholar, honor roll, NM things, etc.): AP Scholar, Honor Roll, French Honor Society, National Merit Commended Student
Subjective: College
-Extracurriculars: Published in my school’s literary magazine, staff writer for the school newspaper
-Volunteer experience: n/a
-Summer Plans: Studying abroad in France.
Subjective: High School
- Extracurriculars (name, grade levels, leadership, description): Same as my college extracurriculars.
- Job/Work Experience: n/a
- Volunteer/Community Service: Library Volunteer
- Date Submitted App: deadline day
- U.S. State/Territory or Country: Mid-Atlantic
- School: State flagship
- Ethnicity: White
- Gender: Male
- Income Bracket Range (Very optional): $200,000+
- Hooks (URM, first generation, recruited athlete, development): n/a
@themetamorphosis May 15th is what the Transfer Q&A says. @cassiusklay Welcome and best of luck!
I spoke with admissions on the phone and they advised me that my decision would be available May 13 at 3:00 pm
@HIMYM17 Just curious, do you know if you find out two days earlier than the date posted because of where you live? Or any other spec?
@actvalour it’s the date that they give on the website! may 13th!
still Wednesday at 3:00? any hope for tomorrow?
just posted. I got accepted. Anyone else?
@shoost12 i was just accepted as well! unfortunately i will not be attending 
I’m in, but not attending.
Congrats to those accepted! I was waitlisted and am not waiting until the end of June to find out. Good luck to those attending or still waiting for results from Wesleyan or other schools!
@actvalour I’m really surprised you didn’t get in.
@cassiusklay Eh, no worries. Never know what sort of class they’re trying to build.