If it means anything, no matter how well we do, or not, we deserve an award for being the only 3 people still talking about this test hahahaha
I dont even remember the test anymore! lol
no one is sure when scores come out right?
I’d put my money on the 24th… They very religiously follow a 17 day score return cycle
lol i was thinking the 26th cos that would be two weeks after jan scores came out and we took the test two weeks later
Everytime I call CB they tell me something different -_-
January was an exception in that their scores came out 19 days past the exam date. It may be that our test follows that return rate but on average 17 days seems to be more frequent.
I called them, and they said Friday the 27th
Idk that seems unrealistic
it’ll probably be the 24th. 17 days seems to be the standard for makeup tests. it was taken november 17 and then given back on december 4th on one occasion which was 17 days in between
Do you guys think that the curves will be based on the November 2012 test or the January 2015 test. Someone on the January forum called and asked the college board and they said that the makeup test will be based on the January curve because they consider the tests to be equally difficult.
Ok so I just called the college board and the lady was pretty helpful. She said the scores will come out on the 27th and she put me on hold so she could check. She also said that the curve will be based on the January 2015 test(I don’t know if that’s good or bad) but I’m not sure if that’s accurate.
we lucked out big time if they use the january curve
@alpha525 We should check if the November 2012 makeup test curve was based on the actual November 2012 test
@TheSATsSuck good idea, but i can’t find anything. any luck with u?
ill wait a year for my score if it means getting the january curve.
@alpha525 I found both threads but on the actual November test no one discusses the curve or their scores
Did the march 2011 test have the same curve as the November 2012 makeup test. If so, our test may not be based on the January curve
i think both tests were before cc became big.
i can’t find it. lets just assume the worst.