<p>Im pretty sure alot of CCers will be entering the intel competition in the fall. Lets compile a list of what people are doing. Ill start</p>
<p>Subject: Endocrinology (Insulin Pump therapy vs. Combination therapy. Which one is more effective in reducing A1C and blood sugar levels in juvenile diabetics)
How long have you been working on topic- started this summer (junior-senior) because my mentor could not accomodate me since he began using radiation.
Plan on doing- have to create a survey and do heavy research for the next 2 months. Hope to get 200+ surveys with the help of 2 local endocrinologists.</p>
<p>Recommend you transplant this to the high school forum...
<p>Subject: Atmospheric Cosmic Rays of High Ionization-Correlating lightning discharge with cosmic ray events
How Long: Started last summer for ten days, worked on it sporadically during the school year...will be working SERIOUSLY for the rest of this summer
Plan on doing: Everything I can...</p>
<p>topic: genetic regulation of proliferation of neurons and its role in brain structure/function and clinical correlation to behavioral and cognitive disorders. copy and pasted from a presentation!
how long: started the beginning of junior year (so almost a year)!</p>
<p>so westinghouse deadline is october 1.
plan on doing- im taking a science reading and writing course so i have to write a paper for that, and hopefully the teachers there will edit it for me and stuff. i'm spending the rest of this month finishing up some tests and then analyzing data and putting together a paper! </p>
<p>on a side note, are these (intel and westinghouse) really competitive? and I know that intel looks at other stuff (i.e., class rank, SAT, gpa, ECs). how big of a part is the actual research? :D</p>
<p>How did you find, contact, and ask to work with your mentors? I've been trying since middle school to find science mentors, and except for a family friend's former Caltech scientist I worked with for a short time until he moved, I haven't been able to find one since!! I'm not related to any professors, etc. etc. I'm always turned down and it's almost possible to find one. Advice? Thanks</p>
<p>c elegans is such a neat animal! there's no female but a male and a hermaphrodite. it's also the animal where ellis and horovitz figured out the genetic regulation of apoptosis!</p>
<p>I'm a rising junior, and I'm enterin ISEF and Siemens(picked up my best friend to be my "team" ;) ).</p>
<p>my topic is AI, more specifically I am running simulations based on some connectivitist ideas I had, based on Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, operating on a custom designed virtual species. I'm going to hope that they display intelligent behaviour. </p>
<p>Analysis is subjective, since you have to watch play back videos of the bots actions, and deem them intelligent or not.</p>
<p>Anyone have any advice on things I should look out for in terms of general project stuff? My siemens paper is 4 pages single spaced, but I have about 5 more pages planned out, and then some more pages or results and analysis, and a few more pages for possible extensions(tons, leading up to next years project).</p>
<p>Jacobian, how could you forget the geocentric theory? Don't you learn anything in Art class?! The sun obviously has to orbit around the Earth. Jeez.</p>