<p>I got an entire columb of test bubbles that had no E's, there were a whole lot of b's and c's</p>
<p>Wasn't the polygon and paper one experimental?</p>
<p>No, I had the polygon and paper one and I had a writing experimental.</p>
<p>No it wasn't. I had a CR experimental and I still had the polygon.</p>
<p>I hope so, I got that one wrong.</p>
<p>So, what's the answer for the tapping one? I got no error.</p>
<p>i think there were many differnt expirementals, just like how there are different orders of sections.</p>
<p>Wait was the polygon and paper one in the same section as the a&b=ab+a+b?</p>
<p>i got 3 no errors i believe.</p>
<p>@seth blue</p>
<p>read the previous posts before posting. you keep asking questions that were answered already</p>
<p>yes it was</p>
<p>In the Antartica reading for Writing, which sentence should have been deleted? The last sentence (13) or the one that dealt with scientists having not previously protected their environments?</p>
<p>Did you guys get 12 pi for one of the problems that looked like a sin curve?</p>
<h1>11 (the one with scientists not protecting enviroment)</h1>
<p>i did.</p>
<p>yes i got 12 pi</p>
<p>Julina: I deleted the one about the scientists. It didn't really make sense in context.</p>
<p>TruthSmoker: Yep, I got 12pi too.</p>
<p>i got 11, the scientists living there.</p>
<p>What were the other answer choices for the "scientists not protecting the environment"?</p>
<p>No, it was #1 for the Antarctica one.(No one owns Antearctica) The Scientists preserving it sentence pertained to the paragraph becasue it was talkinga bout keeping Antarctica enviromentally clean because in the past, it had not been a priority or something along those lines.</p>
<p>Thanks everyone! And what's the final consensus over the "what was beginning" thing?</p>
<p>did anyone get 2000 and 25/8 for the grid ins?</p>
No, it was #1 for the Antarctica one.(No one owns Antearctica) The Scientists preserving it sentence pertained to the paragraph becasue it was talkinga bout keeping Antarctica enviromentally clean because in the past, it had not been a priority or something along those lines.
<p>I'm pretty sure it was the scientists one. The final paragraph described how TOURISTS ruined the environment, and then randomly started talking about scientists so I removed that sentence.</p>