<p>good luck to everyone in or rejected;
God bless you. </p>
I regret to tell you that you are being discontinued from our Waiting List. We had kept a relatively small number of students like yourself for whom we hoped spaces would open. It is now clear that we will not be able to offer you a place this fall…</p>
<p>So I also got the e-mail saying I’m being kept on the extended waitlist thing. I guess I’m totally out of the loop here but I’m just trying to get an idea of how many people are on this list and how many were on it right before this round of e-mails. </p>
<p>“We had kept a relatively small number of students like yourself for whom we hoped spaces would open.”</p>
<p>Does that mean that there had been a previous round of rejections from the waitlist? Is this new waitlist the one with 200 people on it, or were there 200 people before this round of e-mails?</p>
<p>rocketgirl, I think “discontinued” is as nice a word as it gets. Would you have preferred “rejected” or “denied”? “Discontinued” gives one the sense that the school is forced out of necessity to let the waitlistees go.</p>
<p>now only two ivys remain, one i wouldn’t really want to go to and one i would but am not sure i would do well there.</p>
<p>i’m just glad to know. when i got the email, i just thought “oh ok. thanks for letting me know.” i’m pretty much set on the school i’m going to (georgetown!), filled out pre-frosh and housing forms already. stanford09, it’s fine to want to transfer to penn after freshman year but try to enjoy the school you’re at! you just might be surprised by how much you love it.</p>
<p>congrats to those accepted!
and for those who weren’t, hey at least we know now.
<p>This has been a very long wait for me. I applied to Penn ED, way back in October. In December I was deferred and in April I was waitlisted. On Friday I recieved a call from my regional rep, saying that I’d been admitted. Since Penn has been my dream school for years, needless to say, I was thrilled. Today, I got my official letter of acceptance. </p>
<p>The reason I am posting this is that I have a number of questions about students admitted off the waitlist that I’m hoping someone wisher than I am could answer. Are there any Penn students out there who could talk about their waitlist experience? (e.g. housing) Thank you!!</p>
<p>I am so so sorry for all of you who recieved bad news today. Believe me when I tell you I can understand your frustration with this process.</p>
<p>Hey all,
i figured it might be worth a quick post letting you extended waitlistees everything i did to get off the waitlist, although im sure you guys already did all of these things
-first i notified my alumni interviewer, who loved me. she agreed to send an email to my regional rep, advocating me again.
-i sent a letter of continued interest. it was like another college essay basically and i wrote all about why im the most awesome.
-end of mayish i send an email of continued interest to my regional rep
-beginning of june i sent an email to regional rep asking what was the deal, since i hadnt heard
-first week of june i sent a letter about all the awards i won at my HS’s senior awards night.</p>
<p>i dont know if this is helpful, but hey, i got off. good luck everyone!</p>
<p>stanford09, don’t vent your anger on Columbia. If you were accepted by two or more schools, then the school(s) that you didn’t pick should feel the same way about you. They (probably) spent so much time trying to bring you in, and… nothing.</p>
<p>Well…I got rejected from Wharton waitlist…but I heard from a friend that she got in to A&S, and she just received it today…I guess for those who haven’t heard from penn, don’t give up the hope…</p>