Yes perimeter was 12.6. What was the writing one about how timothy was a convincing actor, and he portrayed his character as well as other actors did theirs. Was that no error, or was it ‘did theirs’

@WK6897‌ yes it had to be two digits

for the improving paragraphs, was one of the answers “get rid of there”?

Guys I have questions about the Saburo passage!
So on 18 the water through the net was an analogy for him not listening to his father’s monologues or describing the abstractness of his father’s language? I thought the latter since it said that the “academic words” essentially went in the ear and out the other - I thought because of their academia-esque complexity?

Also, what did you get on 19 about his father’s voice? Constancy (or consistency?) and inscrutability OR strong and permanent?

And then on math was the answer 8 for that one thing with the 3 colors that all have to be used and have to be linked opposite to each other?

And was 13 the answer for the # of words underlined and circled? They had to be factors of 15 from 0-200, right

Was 6 or (0,6) or (6,0) an answer

What was the one it was a big circle with a little circle inside and it said the diameter was 18?

I put constancy
And th water through the net was his in attentiveness
The color thing was nine
The outer eight plus the one in the center

@SATsRuinLife‌ how did you get that?

For the colors I put 9 because it could have been the middle one and the 8 outermost boxes.

what here the passages?

  1. short dual on Ben Franklin and Gulf stream
  2. long on Saburo
  3. Long on defining creativity
  4. Pervasive Advertising
    Which was the long Dual passage?

Yep 9

The number of complaints over 68 was 34/68 = 1/2

was 7/3 anyone’s answer for one of the questions?? about the two functions and the intersection + distance between them

it was 7. 7/3 is horizontal but it asked for the vertical intersection

The distance was between the points that a vertical line interesects the curves was 7, because both equations had the same slope but their y-interecepts were 7 points away.

@IBNick‌ I chose constancy and inscrutability. Because, although the father’s manner of speech was constant it was impenetrable to Saburo…I think he compared it to the galaxy or something.

Also, for 18 yeah…it said something like ‘the word’s passed through him like water through a net’ basically…he wasn’t really paying attention. I think it might’ve been 9 on math the middle could also be blue. :slight_smile:

for the question with 3/x +3 was the answer 3?

I got 10/3 for that

For the function question with g(x), did u guys get 3 wasn’t possible

Dang I had nine but then I changed it… I saw that it said “all” the colors had to be used and made the middle one not blue, thus getting 8. Probably messed up somewhere there.

also how about the a/b with .0325? it was all three right?