<p>Alright, we really need a thread on this. I'll start</p>
630-w :(</p>
<p>Alright, we really need a thread on this. I'll start</p>
630-w :(</p>
<p>680 - Math
690 - Critical Reading
720 - Writing</p>
<p>640 - math
640 - critical reading
620 - writing (8 essay)
wow i feel stupid.....</p>
<p>800 - math
760 - critical reading
750 - writing (11 essay)</p>
<p>reading- 800
math- 710
writing- 730</p>
<p>800 - M
640 - Cr
680 - W</p>
<p>glinda ,,, GREAT job , can you give us a quick view about your preperations and how did you get it ?</p>
<p>770 - M
760 - CR
800 - W (10 essay)</p>
<p>I've just accepted my stupidity. It's okay to be stupid.</p>
630-w (9 essay)</p>
<li>My exact psat score and I did no prep. Go figure.</li>
<p>I really didn't do much preparation...I used Kaplan just to review question structure and such. Critical Reading: latin helped me with vocab and I read a lot so I didn't have much trouble with the reading comprehension. For writing, my only advice with the essay is to use literary and historical examples, but also relate the topic to your own life. That way your essay will always be unique.</p>
<p>God has blessed me with a 1740. It sux, but I was sick and had no idea what I was doing.</p>
<p>math 700
Cr 610
Wr 480</p>
<p>M 800
CR 760
W 800 (10 on essay)</p>
<p>640 V
720 M
770 W (10 essay)</p>
<p>wow bog, awesome job.</p>
<p>730 M
730 CR
800 W</p>
<p>Reading: 690
+ Math: 780
+ Writing: 670</p>
<pre><code> 2140
<p>Don't know writing score, my score hasn't officially been posted yet.. had to click SEND TO COLLEGES</p>
<p>M 800
CR 800
W 710 (11 on essay)</p>
<p>M 780
Cr 720
W 800</p>
<p>CR 550
M 500
W 520</p>
<p>Lowest score here, what?!</p>
<p>Cr 800, M 800, W 780 (78 / 10)</p>