Official "My Student is Having Too Much Fun to Come Home for Fall Break" Pity Party

<p>Son chose not to use his ticket to fly home for break. Said he’d rather stay on campus. :(</p>

<p>I’m feeling sorry for myself. Anyone else having their own little pity party?</p>

<p>Not having a pity party here, but I do sympathize with any parent who paid for a tix and then it didn’t get used. </p>

<p>Kind of puts parents in an odd position. We need to buy tix early to get good prices, and then to have a kid later decide not to use them is frustrating.</p>


<p>On the bright side…at least your child is doing well and is happy at school.</p>

<p>Mine decided to come home 2 weeks ago instead of this weekend. Happy I got to see her but sad not this week. Especially when I see she posts about everyone being gone :(</p>

<p>I switched the flights for this weekend for the flights 2 weeks ago. Have to cancel her Thanksgiving flights as we are going there :)</p>

<p>No worries on the ticket - it’s Southwest and points, so we get those back. I just miss having him at home. I’ll get over it.</p>

<p>Yep, pity party here too. I am pretty sure coming home never crossed her mind, and I did not suggest (or insist!) She and friends are on a road trip and having a marvelous time not missing us.</p>

<p>Christmas break is coming, right? </p>

<p>Counting my blessings that she is happy and healthy and loving being at Bama. Thrills me to hear her say Roll Tide and y’all on the phone. :)</p>

<p>mine isn’t coming home either. </p>

<p>they are road tripping, too.</p>

<p>I had a pity party earlier this evening when a friend posted from the airport here in Dallas that she was picking up her daughter. So I made my offer for the 100th time to come visit my D this weekend. After all, the town should be pretty much empty, right? I could probably even get a hotel room!</p>

<p>lattelady, ROAD TRIP! :)</p>

<p>I am glad to see I am not the only one feeling this way.
She is able to get a ride to another campus to hang out with friends from high school instead of staying on campus and doing laundry.
I offered so many times and was hoping she would say yes but to her it was it worth spending all that money for just 3 days.
I even offered to make the 13+ hour drive up and I knew I would be able to stay in her dorm since all her roommates are gone and offered to take a mini trip to ATL or Tennessee but she said no. I just hated the thought of her sitting there all by herself.
26 days til she is home for Thanksgiving and 44 days for Christmas!! (YES I have a countdown on y phone)
Well I am going to continue to sit here and eat candy corn! I hate any holiday when we are not together.</p>

<p>Add me.</p>

<p>A while ago, after hopefully inquiring to DS if he would be coming home for fall break, I was met with a long, awkward silence, followed by:</p>

<p>“Umm… isn’t Thanksgiving just a few weeks after that?”</p>

<p>On the bright side, he called me last night because he finally had ‘time’ and magnanimously told me to “…go ahead and talk. Get it out of your system.”</p>

<p>He makes me smile.</p>

<p>My S isn’t coming home until Christmas. :(</p>

<p>Mine decided to come home last minute and brought a BOYFRIEND! Didn’t expect this, but welcome the company and the visit. I will take what I can get…with a smile and a grateful heart! :)</p>

<p>Mine drove to Ohio yesterday with friends and seems to be having a great time. </p>

<p>Thankfully, we saw her last weekend or I’d feel very hurt she isn’t missing us and suffering misery and loneliness on campus (how I picture it, of course).</p>

<p>The test for us will be Thanksgiving Break, when she will be off with friends again and we won’t have had a recent visit… </p>

<p>We are bribing her with a trip to NYC to make sure she comes home for XMas!</p>

<p>RTRmom2…me too. D is not coming home for Thanksgiving either. So I don’t get to see her until December 21st…she is going to Nicaragua for the Alabama Greek Mission trip…Going to be a long time before I see her! :frowning:
Thank Goodness for Skype.</p>

<p>Me three:( My son wanted to stay in T-Town for fall break and coming home for Thanksgiving is also out. He has to be back on the Friday after Thanksgiving for band practice for the big game against Auburn on Saturday. Won’t see him until Christmas break.</p>

<p>On the bright side, my daughter who is away at another school will be home to keep me company. But of course, she can’t come home at Christmas(: </p>

<p>Getting ready to brace myself for a long string of holiday ups and downs.</p>

<p>:( If it isn’t bad enough that we don’t get to see D that much, the grandparents are REALLY not happy. D came home 2 weeks ago. Flew in on Friday afternoon and we headed to pick her sister up at high school then had the football game that night, DD2 is in the band and we volunteer for the band. DD1 went with us to spend time with us. Saturday was an all day marching contest and DD1 went to the store to buy things she needed, packed up her winter clothes to take back with her then came to join us to see her sister march. DD then went to have a quick dinner with a friend. Sunday morning we played hooky from church and went to the last day of the State Fair of Texas before taking her to the airport. Grandparents are TICKED OFF! And that is putting it mildly.<br>
:frowning: I mean geez, I don’t even get to see her much and I am her mommy </p>

<p>Guess I better not tell them I have plans to move to Bham :slight_smile: As soon as DD2 graduates from high school, I am OUTTA HERE! </p>

<p>DD1 is in Raliegh visiting the boyfriend this weekend. Better not tell the grandparents THAT! ~~~~ shudder~~~</p>

<p>Neither one of my boys too us up on the offer to come home. They plan on sleeping. Older s wants to finish up an M IS project. At least they hooked up tonight and played basketball at the rec center. They said it is usually too crowded to get a space.</p>



<p>Go to Garrett’s and buy a gallon of the Chicago Mix. I’m told by the highest authority that it cures everything, Class2012Mom. :).</p>

<p>^^ Then I will make sure to bring some for Slippy on November 9.</p>

<p>Did you enjoy it, malanai?</p>

<p>when your kid comes home for a very short visit … DON’T TELL THE GRANDPARENTS!</p>

<p>and be careful not to let it slip later. :)</p>