<p>My fellow deferred to-be quakers!! How are you doing ? Hope y'all killed it with the Regular applications. How optimistic are you guys for Penn RD ? I still haven't got over my deferral :(</p>
<p>Does a 100 point raise in reasoning, 110 point raise in subject, a new job, a couple more new ECs and a letter of interest increase my chances ?</p>
<p>Deferral sucks right! I was also deferred from Early Decision and I am seriously in love with the college. I quite neutral, neither optimism nor pessimism.
I am taking a gap year, so I updated regarding what am I doing currently like temporary jobs and traveling. </p>
<p>Even I am on a gap-year! Did you write a letter of interest ? I sent it to my regional director and to Penn records but I haven’t got a reply or an acknowledgment yet. Should I be worried ?</p>
<p>I wanted the college to know about what I was doing l.I sent it to that eapps address? So where are you from?
<p>Did you get a confirmation or something ? I am from India. Applied to Wharton. you ?</p>
<p>I was first disappointed, then delighted by the not-so-overwhelming response to this post. Initially, I thought Where are all the deferred applicants ? Why is no one replying ? Then I thought Maybe there aren’t so many deferred applicants! That Penn was selective in deferring as well! and now I am feeling special :p</p>
<p>I got no confirmation! Penn was actually selective in deferring than others hahah! 20% accepted and 20% deferred<br>
I am from Kathmandu, Nepal. Howdy neighbour! nice to meet you
Oh Yeah and I applied to Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research! Psyched about the program</p>
<p>Oh! That’s great! I have always wanted to visit Nepal. Such a beautiful place</p>
<p>You should come! So what are you going to major in? any plans
<p>Confused. But my interests lie in Marketing, Behavioral economics and Venture capitalism. What about you? </p>
<p>Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, I have a desire to work in the field of energy in Nepal later.</p>
<p>As a past applicant who was deferred (and then denied haha…), I wish you all good luck. The next months gonna be stressful but just remember that they saw something special in you and even if they don’t admit you, another excellent school will.</p>
<p>Thanks William95 for your kind words
Where are you now ? if you don’t mind me asking</p>
<p>Villanova, trying to transfer to Cornell and Penn</p>
<p>I hope you get in! When you were deferred did you send any updates or letters? </p>
<p>@burtmacklin I sent a letter of continued interest after my deferral where I talked about the stuff I’d done in ECs since my original application. I think I sent it in February or early March.</p>
<p>I heard that Penn usually does not track these letters of interests! Purely depends on luck now!</p>
<p>@mumford07, did you get a mail from eaapps about 27th? </p>
<p>yeah didnt everyone get it?</p>
<p>Good luck to all of you! Only 2 more days</p>